2013 Jun 29 4:36 AM
I am getting the below error when trying to post a Security Deposit Request through FPSEC1 -
I have maintained the Main and Sub in Posting Area 1010, and against the Main and Subs, I have maintained the GL accounts in EK01 and EK02. Can you please advise if I am missing something here.
2013 Jun 29 4:41 PM
post the error clearly as it is to find out what exactly u r missing
According to the specified error above;
there might be few reasons related to account assignments data error ,;
missing account determination which includes COCD/ADID/DIVISION/MAIN&SUB TRANSACTION
If u miss any of the above mentioned specifications u will get this error
maintain COCD -AD ID-DIVISION-MAIN& SUB TRANSACTION mention properly and copy that
maintain that again without DIVISION.
i hope this might help you resolve the error
2013 Jul 01 3:34 AM
Hi Amit,
The error (FKKSEC 440) that you are getting is because of some missing configuration in transaction EK01.
The system is not able to determine the entry from the table TFK033D for the combination of Chart of Accounts\Company Code\AD ID\Division\Main Transaction that you are using to post the cash security deposit statistical request.
Check the combination in transaction EK01 and you will be able to rectify the error.
Hope it helps.
2013 Jul 01 5:52 AM
I think you have to check in "Attributes for main and sub transactions" view for mapping your settings.
As I understand from your issue details is that you are trying to create SD at CA level i.e. without division (before contract creation). Standard SAP provides SD mapping details at division level (with contract) so if you wish to create SD at CA level then you have extend setting at above view (for without division) and provide appropriate main and sub at EK01 and EK02 (without division).
Hope this helps.