2014 Aug 15 3:57 AM
Hi SAP Community Network colleges.
Can someone help me with the following?
I am using the FI-CA Cash Desk/Cash Journal functionality but I am not able to post a deposit. In the t-code FPCJ the optión "Post deposit" at menu "Cash Desk" is supressed. I have run thue all Cash desk/Cash journal custimizing points and try out different options but still the "Post deposit" line in the menu appears supressed.
Can anybody help me with this?
Jesús Rebollar Romo.
2014 Aug 15 11:21 AM
Hi Romo,
you did not mention why you are going for Post Deposit? what is your business Scenario?
Anyway, Post deposit functionality is in FPCJ (Cash Journal) not in FPCD (Cash Desk)
Also, check the GL account you assigned in posting area 0150.
once you activated Cash Journal and assigned GL accounts then you should be able to Post Deposit.
2014 Aug 18 3:39 PM
Hi Rehan.
The thing is I have a cash journal to which an excessive withdrawal was made by mistake so it is now showing in the system a balance shorter than the real for the same amount of the excessive withdrawal.
Additionally, the company gives funds for cashiers to have change at the beginning of the day. These funds are managed outside the system which I think is a mistake and I would like to take the opportunity to correct it. By reading the SAP documentation I understand the "Post deposit" is the right way to manage these funds.
I have checked the G/L account assigned to posting area 0150 as per your recommendation but still the "Post deposit" option is supperessed.
Any other ideas??
Jesús Rebollar Romo.
2014 Aug 19 5:42 AM
I assume you have check the following configurations-
IMG--->Financial Accounting--->Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable--->Business Transactions---->Payments--->Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments---->Cash Desk/Cash Journal--->Maintain Role-Specific Activities for Cash Journal
In here I assume you have checked the role that you are using, to see whether the Post Deposit is ticked or not.
Also, can you check the events 6120, 6140, 6160 to see if there any enhancements which are triggerring the same.
2014 Aug 21 2:23 AM
Thanks Amlan.
Sorry for the late response. It looks like event 6140 - Cash Journal: Additional Checks and Additional Acctions is the one we need to activate.
We will check it and let you know.
Jesús Rebollar Romo.
2014 Sep 01 3:07 PM
Amlan thanks for your help.
We had the problem on a variant created in SHD0.
The post deposit function was deactivated.
2014 Oct 17 7:53 PM
Hello Amlan,
We have a problem, at the moment of creation Cashier responsabilities automatically is copied to Cashier with special functions. What can we do to avoid this?