2010 Jan 22 11:40 AM
Dear All,
I have a requirement of calculating interest at the time of invoicing.
I did the following configuration in spro:
SAP Utilities ->Invoicing->Invoice Processing->Define Control for additional invoicing functions
I clicked at the Int:Cash Security Deposit button.
But when I execute transaction EA10 (Creating invoice) , interest is not calculated on the security deposit.
All the configuration w.r.t interest calculation is correct.
Please let me know if anybody has any solution to this.
Warm regards,
2010 Jan 25 1:51 PM
Hi Rahul,
To calculate interest on any line item, we have to assign a interest key to it.
Take the FICA document created for Security Deposit and open it into FPE2 and goto change document:Item and then click on Tab Dunn. Data. Provide the interest key over here and then RUN your invoicing.