2015 Jul 10 4:22 PM
Our business scenario is that, we are generating invoice from ISU and sending to the customer via courier. Now, Once customer receives the invoice it sends us the acknowledgement that Invoice has been received on so and so date. Now, we are suppose to calculate the due date from Invoice received date. The 2% discount should be given to customer if payment is received within 5 days of invoice received date else it should be given 1% if payment is received within 30 days of invoice received date.
So, it is pretty clear that Baseline date cannot be fixed in Payment terms in OBB8.
How this scenario can be handled in FI-CA?
2015 Jul 10 5:26 PM
Hi Viraj,
I would suggest you to use the deferral date functionality for your scenario and keep the due date constant. Once the acknowledgement comes back from the customer, then based on the acknowledgment date, you populate the deferral date.
As deferral date overrides the due date in all Standard SAP processes, then you can have your payment discount functionality set from the deferral date.
Hope it helps..
2015 Jul 10 5:26 PM
Hi Viraj,
I would suggest you to use the deferral date functionality for your scenario and keep the due date constant. Once the acknowledgement comes back from the customer, then based on the acknowledgment date, you populate the deferral date.
As deferral date overrides the due date in all Standard SAP processes, then you can have your payment discount functionality set from the deferral date.
Hope it helps..
2015 Jul 10 5:34 PM
Thanks for the reply Amlan. So, Do you mean once I receive acknowledgement from customer I go into FPE2 and set the deferral due date?
2015 Jul 10 5:54 PM
Hi Viraj,
Technically yes, i.e.to Set the deferral date.
However, are you planning to do it manually or through some automated batch job.
If its being done manually, then its not an efficient process to adopt.
Having said that, I am not very sure about as to what extent the automation can be done, as if the ack. information comes from a single source, like Courier Agencies, then a flat file can be requested from them carrying the information and then formatted and uploaded in to SAP to calculate the due date from the ack. date and populate it in the Deferral date field.
However, if the ack. info. comes from the Customer directly, then it has to be a manual process.
Alternatively, you can calculate on an average basis how much days it takes for the customer to receive the invoice and then based on the business decision can increase the payment terms by those many days.
2015 Jul 10 6:02 PM
That is so helpful...!!
One more doubt regarding this is, after setting deferral due date, system considers deferral date instead of Net due date only or it also considers deferral date instead of discount due date also?
I should keep discount due date and net due date same or different? There is no process of surcharge here. So, can I keep the discount due date and net due date same?