2011 Mar 22 6:50 AM
Hi Everyone,
Could you please guide me about: "what are business objects which are being used in the following transactions: FP09 and EC85".
Actually we need this for our Document Management System. Please guide.
Thanks and Regards
2011 Mar 22 8:01 AM
The business object for EC85 is: Object/Interface Type DISCONNECT
2011 Mar 22 10:29 AM
Thanks for your reply please.
But in the EDISOBJH table, in the refobjtype field, we are getting ISUPARTNER as object.
Please guide.
Thanks and Regards
2011 Mar 22 8:22 PM
You need to be more precise here - the business object for the transaction is commonly known as the object upon which the transaction is based. SO EC85 is disconnection and the business object for disconnection is DISCONNECT. What you are seeing is the reference object. that is entirely different and refers to the object upon which the individual disconnection is operating.
2011 Mar 23 6:19 AM
Many thanks to you for your reply please.
Could you please guide me for the Business Object of transaction code FP09.
Thanks and Regards
2011 Mar 23 3:15 PM
FP09 would refer to CA_DOC or CA_RETURN or CADOUMENT or CA_DOCUITEM.
2011 Apr 28 3:55 PM