2013 May 20 10:01 AM
Hi Folks,
The scenario is: in 2011 my company was implemented ISU and they uploaded the Transactional data through LSMW. At that time they didn’t maintain B.Area for documents. After that they made B.Area as a mandatory field. They have some validation also. Because of this if we received the payment against the old open items; we are not able to transport the Recon Key in to R3 systems.
At present, for this situation we are removing the Validation for B.Area and we are transporting the Reconciliation Key and again we are placing the B.Area validation. As per my knowledge this is not suggestible.
Is there any chance to update the B.Area for all old migration data? If yes, please guide me.
Even I am ready to use Z program with the help of my ABAP team.
Thanks in advance
2013 May 20 3:53 PM
Direct update would not be advisable. The business area is also part of DFKKOPK and the reconciliation key tables so you could create significant inconsistencies. You would run the risk of inconsistencies being reported in FPO2.
2013 May 20 12:01 PM
Unfortunately, there is no way to update master data(in your case, business area) in already transferred data.
More over, if you will try pushing business area forcefully then it will create inconsistent records in IS-U (FPG2 and FPT1) and lot of post maintenance activity where SAP also will not support "tempered data".
Last time I checked, in worst case scenario, SAP has suggested to reverse reconciliation keys (FPG8) and repost data with correct (new)values.
[Citation needed]
2013 May 20 12:10 PM
Hello Paresh
First let me say thanks for your reply
Yup dude, you are right there is no way other than reversal. but in this scenario reversal is not possible.
Just i am planning to update the B.Area for those cases in standard table "DFFKOP" by using the Z program. If i did like this is there any effect on other scenarios.
Please help.
2013 May 20 12:48 PM
I will stick my answer as above.
More over, I would like to mention that it is just not updating "DFKKOP", it is mutilating sanctity of original data which in no case should be attempted for such scenario.
Yes. It will definitely have impact on other scenarios. This is what I was talking about in previous message and this is why SAP will not support "tempered data" as DFKKOP is just BP line items table which if updated wrongfully will create lopsided impact and have serious repercussions on entire thread of documents.
2013 May 20 3:53 PM
Direct update would not be advisable. The business area is also part of DFKKOPK and the reconciliation key tables so you could create significant inconsistencies. You would run the risk of inconsistencies being reported in FPO2.
2013 May 21 5:33 AM
Hello Paresh/William,
Wishes of the day..........
Thank you very much for your golden replies…
I am 100% agree with you. Is there any alternative solution for this issue, if yes, please let me know briefly.
Thanks in advance.
2013 May 22 7:34 AM
why not tweak the validations to suit your need , what type of validations are implemented for business area.
2013 May 22 10:12 AM
Hello Santrupta,
Thanks for reply...
i tried to tweak the validation also. But the problem is; for migration data we used ZZ document type on a particular date (29.09.2011). so i tried to create the validation like for c.code XXXX, if the document type is ZZ and posting date is 29.09.2011 then it should allow the posting....
So i tried to create the Validation in OB28 in FI, i am not able to get the document type ZZ, because ZZ is a FICA document.
Because of this i am not able to put the validation ...... please advice
2013 May 22 1:53 PM
Hi ,
How have you designed your Business area i.e is it according to geographical area.
Solution-1 (Very Critical)
if you can identify your business area by the information in the G/L document header or /and G/L line items , you can make a substitution of Business area in G/L documents for which it is currently blank .
By default the substitution of business area is not available GGB1 , to activate it (critical) you can go to SM30
Enter-VWTYGB01 under conditions
Boolean class =9
class type =S
Table =BSEG
Field = GSBER
Untick the column exclude , now you will be able see in OBBH .
Solution-2 ( FICA side )
In the event -940 General Ledger Transfer: Set Assignment Number - you have the whole DFKKSUM table on the basis of which you can set either assignment number, reference key, and item text of the accounting document as per your requirement .
And further you can use the values in the above 3 fields to improve your validation to suit your need .
Solution -3 (critical)
you can divide all your debtors g/l into groups/group by assigning them different sets/set and on the basis of these groups/group assign business area(a constant ) to each set (in substitution) if any business area is blank .
For me i would further investigate the second option because its much safer .
2013 May 22 3:02 PM
One note - it is not advisable (will cause major issues) to implement any substitution functions against FICA postings. You will cause problems for yourself at reconciliation.