2013 Jun 12 11:20 AM
Hi All,
I have a question in relation to BPEM for FICA.Is it possible to implement BPEM for FICA(Payments,Refunds & Requests).I have seen the application logs written by payments process.
>6 373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>6 372 Computer isusws, job name PAYP20130610FPDY3_001, job count 11163700
>3 248 Job no. 001, reconciliation key 13161FPDY3AA
>6 373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>6 378 Job started as update run
>6 373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>6 354 Mass activity started: Interval 1 from 000400004497 to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, activity type PAYP
>6 373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>2 997 |------------------------------------------------------------------------
>2 3 | Business partner 0020003041
>2 4 | Account 004000731086
>2 53 | Contract account locked for clearing ( T ), no payment ------------ Error i need to capture
>6 373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
MASSACT 101 Selected Items 1
MASSACT 102 Payable/Paid 0
MASSACT 101 Exceptions 1
As per my understanding,to implement BPEM,the standard application log should start the business process and write the messages and end the business process.But for FICA- Payments Business process area,the application log is not written in that way.It simply puts the error messages without strating and ending any business process
Can you please suggest us whether we can implement BPEM for FICA Payments,refunds and requests for SAP error messages.
Surya Reddy
2013 Jun 13 7:16 AM
Hi Surya,
the mentioned transactions do not yet fully support BPEM since they do not add the EMMA 011 and EMMA 012 to the application log. As you might remember, SAP works on this issue already due to your OSS message and I am sure that we will have this issue resolved soon I'll keep you posted on that.
However, Already today you may create clarificatin cases in creating clarification case categories without the flag "object specific" marked and the >2 53 message as the trigger message. Given that this message may occur more than once and it is always related to a different contract account, I suggest to try and mark the "Create case for each duplicate message". With this setting subsequent messages of > 53 will be processed multiple times for the same clarification case category hence multiple clarification cases can be created.
Kind regards,
2013 Jun 12 4:05 PM
Unfortunately, this functionality is not supported currently.
2013 Jun 13 7:16 AM
Hi Surya,
the mentioned transactions do not yet fully support BPEM since they do not add the EMMA 011 and EMMA 012 to the application log. As you might remember, SAP works on this issue already due to your OSS message and I am sure that we will have this issue resolved soon I'll keep you posted on that.
However, Already today you may create clarificatin cases in creating clarification case categories without the flag "object specific" marked and the >2 53 message as the trigger message. Given that this message may occur more than once and it is always related to a different contract account, I suggest to try and mark the "Create case for each duplicate message". With this setting subsequent messages of > 53 will be processed multiple times for the same clarification case category hence multiple clarification cases can be created.
Kind regards,
2013 Jun 13 1:48 PM
Many Thanks for your reply.
The message >2 53 doesnot have any business object attached to it.So i have configured two more messages as shown in screenshot. With 'Create case for each duplicate message' functionality,Multiple cases are getting created with the same info.Email sent with screenshots
Surya Reddy
2013 Jun 13 2:53 PM
Hello Surya,
please add all 3 messages ( >2 3, >2 4 and >2 53) as trigger messages and try again. I think this could work. However, still solution could only be an interim solution until a standard solution is available.
Kind regards,
2013 Jun 13 3:06 PM
Hello Surya,
there is one first solution available (see SAP Note 1154984 as of 12/2008).According to this note, you still need to implement FI-CA event 0661. Still I will follow-up on this because no extra FI-CA event should be implemented to enable BPEM for FPY1 since the BPEM customizing should suffice.
Kind regards,
2013 Jun 13 5:29 PM
Hi Fritz,
For First one : I have checked all the messages as triggering messages and it is working fine as expected(two cases for diff accounts).Thanks.
Second One :Regarding Event,I have implemented 0661 event as per the note(Added
EMMA_FLAG = 'X'and now it is able to add EMMA 11 & 12 messages to application log.I will check creation of clarification cases for the same & will update the thread accordingly.
We are working on ECC EHP6 and the note provided above is not applicable for the version.All the structures are enhanced as per the note apart from implementing the event.
Surya Reddy
2013 Jun 14 12:12 PM
Hi Surya,
Good to know that one of the possible solution works already
Regarding the 2nd solution: yes, you should already have all repository and DDIC changes in your system. However, you still need to implement FI-CA event 0661 as mentioned above (see action item 4). Only if you mark the FKKPY_0661-EMMA_FLAG with an 'X' BPEM will be enabled and the FPY1 transaction writes EMMA011/012 message to the application log.
Btw, due to your OSS message my colleagues already work on a final solution that does not require an implementation of the 0661 event anymore ...
Kind regards,