2013 May 04 5:14 PM
Dear BPEM Experts,
I have a problem with Processor rule in the configuration of EMMA Case category.I have configured Processor rule to direct EMMA Cases to different set of users based on Installation numbers.But when i checked the emma cases,agent determination is not happening automatically.Please check the below example for more information.
1) I have configured am emma case category and bound it to a processor rule .
2) In processor rule,I have configured some responsibilities based on the installation.Means,for Installation 1,agent 1 should be the processor and for installation 2 agent 2 should be the processor
3) Afterwards i have created EMMA cases for the installation 1 and installation 2.
According to my understanding about processor rule,For Emma case created for Installation 1,Agent 1 should be the processor which should get automatically assigned and for Installation 2,Agent 2 should be the processor.But processor is not getting populated automatically to the cases.But intern,it is allowing Agent2 aswell as a processor for the emmacase created for Installation 1 .
My intention is for installation 1 ,agent 1 should be the processor and for Installation 2,Agent 2 should be the processor which should get populated automatically.
It would you a great help,if some one throws any light on exact functionality of Processor Rule
2013 May 08 4:23 PM
Hello Surya,
a newly created clarificaiton case is saved without a processor assigned.
The result (= actors) of a possibly allocated agent determination rule is simply saved with the created clarification case. On the slection screen of the EMMACL transaction you may enter organizational information to determine clarificaiton cases where the assigned actors match to the entered organizational information.
This is also described in more details in the newly published BPEM guideline you can download at
Kind regards,
Friedrich Keller
Message was edited by: William Eastman
2013 May 08 4:23 PM
Hello Surya,
a newly created clarificaiton case is saved without a processor assigned.
The result (= actors) of a possibly allocated agent determination rule is simply saved with the created clarification case. On the slection screen of the EMMACL transaction you may enter organizational information to determine clarificaiton cases where the assigned actors match to the entered organizational information.
This is also described in more details in the newly published BPEM guideline you can download at
Kind regards,
Friedrich Keller
Message was edited by: William Eastman
2013 May 10 7:19 AM
Hi Friedrich,
Many thanks for the information and the Info Guide.Could you please suggest me where we will maintain the organizational data
Surya Reddy
2013 May 10 3:14 PM
Hi Surya,
I am not sure I understand your question correctly. As you might have got from the guideline, you may enter the agent determination rule when creating the clarification case category (see guideline at page 37). Chapter 6.4 describes how to create a basic agent determination rule. This chapter assumes that the organizational structure has already been created on the system – and this is what I assume you where referring to. For this, please refer to http://help.sap.com/saphelp_rc10/helpdata/en/d7/588f4f9c217343842bada77f00b039/content.htm
and transactions PPOCE - Create, PPOME- Change and PPOSE – Display for further information.
Kind regards,
Friedrich Keller
2013 May 12 8:45 PM
2013 Jun 20 3:55 PM
Hi Friedrich,
The link you've supplied for the updated BPEM configuration guide is dead, though an updated one sounds very interesting. Any suggestions on where I could find it?
2013 Jun 20 4:05 PM
2013 Jun 20 4:21 PM
Much appreciated.
Incidentally, I've always struggled to find BPEM documentation within SAP, I guess as a result of the name change from EMMA plus the fact that it is such a cross-functional tool. Where generally should I be looking in the service marketplace for BPEM stuff?