2011 Jan 06 12:15 PM
Hi All,
I need to find out Business partner and contract based on MR reason for specific instalation(anlage) and document number (ablbelnr).Please let me know if there is any FM which provide the same data or any other way to figure it out.
2011 Jan 06 9:11 PM
using three tables you can fetch this data ( I m not sure abt FM)
1. table EABLG -> input - MR reason for specific instalation(anlage) and document number (ablbelnr)
output- take shedule meter reading date date... adatsoll (to identify the correct contract
2. table EVER -> input - installation where movein date <= adatsoll <= move out date
output - contract and contract account
3. table FKKVKP-> input - contract account
output - BP
2011 Sep 13 4:25 PM