2014 May 28 2:39 PM
I have an installation with two different Rate determination, one through register and the other one through facts.
Is there any way (Customizing, user-exit, enhancements, BAdI or anything else) to configure the Billing process in order to exclude one of them at time of the billing run?
e.g. I want my Billing document to contain only lines whose rate is derived from facts, and the register rate should be ignored so that the corresponding lines are not created (even because there are no meter reads for the billing order which makes it implausible).
2014 May 30 6:00 PM
Do you mean to execute the Billing from Installation fact and ignore the register ?
I am not sure about the requirement but you can install a device technically and use fact to execute the rates from installation facts .
Thanks ,
2014 Jun 02 12:49 PM
Hi John,
Why are not you changing the configuration related to rate determination? If you do not want to execute the rate related to one rate determination, you can delete it using rate determination configuration.
2014 Jun 02 1:57 PM
if your billing rules are depended on rates (register or installation facts), you can create simple rate steps:
Rate nr. 1 - register - you will write some factor into output operand (for example FACTOR = 1)
Rate nr. 2 - installation facts - you will check the output operand from rate nr. 1
If the condition is fulfilled then you execute rate steps in rate nr. 2 if not then you skip all rate steps.
(for example:
....some billing rules.....
This is possible to make also in separate rate (for example rate nr. 3).
Simple solution.
2014 Jun 04 9:31 AM
Hi John,
You can use "Deletion Operand" with variant "UTILIT* " in your Rate/Schema design as per the requirement.
Variant UTILIT01 can be used to delete Bill lines.
Elaborate on your requirement what exactly is expected then only we can help you further.
2014 Jun 18 1:17 PM
Hi John,
If at a time only one logic will work(either Facts billing or Register billing) then try to incorporate the logic of Facts billing and Register billing in Single rate using IF - ELSE.
Please elaborate your requirement.