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Former Member
0 Kudos

dear all,

we have LTI category and LTII category consumers. If the yearly

consumption of the any LTI category consumer exceeds certain limit say 500

units in any month, from that month onwards he will be considerad as LTII

consumer.afterwards if the consumption will come down also consumer

will not be billed for LTII tariff. For this case where to give this

condition. can any one help me to solve this.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Try u use IF ,QUANTI , COMPUT,INFACT variant programs


consider fixed qunatity and assign this value to operand

If the consumption qunatity is less than the fixed qunatity(500) ,

execute the relavant rate else execute the other one.


Narendar Konakanchi

0 Kudos

Dear narander,

Sorry my question is not correct. Here I am writing the correct one.

we have LTI category and LTII category consumers. If the comulative consumption of a year (let us take from april 2007-march 2008) of any LTI category consumer exceeds certain limit say 500 units, from april 2008 onwards he will be billed for LTII category tariff. In the susequent years, if the consumption will come down also , consumer will not be billed for LTII tariff only. For this case where to give this limit and condition.


0 Kudos

I think automatic setting for rate cat change is not possible to achive the same we did it like this.

In the t-code EL28 you can set the limit like 500

Then when entering consumption for any month if it will increase 500 say 501 then that record will be splause (Blocked).

As soon as we see that it is giving maximum limit exceeded we manually change the rate category.

once rate cat is changed that consumer will be charged based on that tariff only .

Hope this help

if helpful reward with forum points.



0 Kudos


Just a quick thought

1) Insert LT1 and LT2 in the same Rate Cat/ Schema, separate them with a "if"

2) Add a installation fact for LT1/LT2 indicator

3) Add a installation fact to collect the cummulative consumtion, say Z_Cmlt

4) Add the installtion fact to hold the resetting month, here April

5) If month is not April, Z_Cmlt = curr + Z_cmlt.

6) If it is April reset Z_Cmlt to zero before this step. Update the LT1/LT2 flag based on Z_cmlt


Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear John,

Your answer for my quarry is correct I think. I will try it. i have some more clarification regarding your answer and some more quarries also. can you please send your email id to my id rraakkeesshh76 at gmail dot com.Please.

Thanks and regards,
