2011 Jun 08 10:46 AM
Hi All,
We are working on SAP ISU CRM implementation
In the billing view factsheet ,bill details are visible but meter reading and device is not visible.As one bill document number may have multiple line items with meter readings in more than one line item
Can someone guide me how to pick specific line item and viewed it in Billing details.
2012 Jun 19 8:38 PM
you can see particular and select line item in from EA40 screem in line item tab.
by using F6 and F7 key you can you next and previous line item and in billing tab you can view all the details. this might help you.
2012 Jun 20 5:22 AM
Your requirement is not clear.
As per my understanding,u mentioned as multiple meter reading and multiple line items.
This is due to Price may be block price, check the price key.
Check the rate steps line item type and also schema steps