2010 Aug 03 9:03 AM
Hi Experts ,
Please someone explain me the following billing procedures with business scenario.
1. Floating Backbilling
2. Period-end Billing
2010 Aug 03 10:08 AM
Floating backbilling gives you the opportunity to correct values in adjustment periods which have already been billed:
(a) Reverse the Calculation
For this, billing line items of the billing documents from adjustment periods are added to the current billing document.
(b) Backbilling
For this schema steps are executed in the adjustment periods.The resulting billing line itesm are added to the current billing document.
In the rate category , you specify
-how many periodic periods are covered by backbilling
-if floating backbilling was executed for the past n periods
Period end billing enables you to bill asbed on several periods that have already been billed.You can backbill the adjustment period for the period-end billing period.
In rate category,you specify
-how many periods period end billing covers
-if integrateor seperate period end billing should be carried out
Period end billing is triggerred when the last periodic billing\final billing is carried out.
Hope it clarifies......