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Billing Comparison on quantities when two or more time slice in bill doc.

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I our project for commercial customer consumption history of past six years is normalized to create a monthly consumption base line (calendar months) this base line is maintained as installation fact and while billing execution this is used to calculate billing base line


Jan consumption base line u2013 100000 KWH

Feb Consumption base line u2013 90000 KWH

Billing period is 15 Jan u2013 15 Feb

Billing base line is calculated by prorating Jan and Feb consumption base line

((100000/31) X 17 ) + (( 90000/28) X 15) = 103053

Periodic consumption is compared with billing base line and if

A. Consumption is more than billing base line

Excess consumption is billed to produce debit $ amount in bill doc

E.g Billing base line 103053, Periodic consumption 110000

Excess consumption = 110000 u2013 103053 = 6947 KWH

6947 X price = Debit $ amount

B. Consumption is less than billing base line

Difference between billing base line and consumption is billed to produce credit $ amount in bill doc

E.g Billing base line 103053, Periodic consumption 90000

Difference = 103053 - 90000 = 13053 KWH

13053 X ( -Price) = Credit $ amount

Comparison between Billing base line and Consumption is done using standard variant IF01

The problem occurs when bill document has two or more time slice due to price change or change in facts like factor at rate category facts. If for one time slice consumption is more than billing base line and for other time slice consumption is less than billing base line.

Variant IF01 does not take into account time slice but it compares quantities considering whole billing period.

E.G Billing period is 25 Jan u2013 25 Feb

Price changes on 20 Feb

Billing base line 25 Jan to 19 Feb u2013 50000

20 Feb to 25 Feb u2013 20000

Billing base line for complete billing period 50000 + 20000 = 70000

Consumption (prorated by SAP) 25 Jan to 19 Feb u2013 56000

20 Feb to 25 Feb u2013 18000

Total consumption for billing period 56000 + 18000 = 74000

Consumption is more than billing base line for 25 Jan to 19 Feb time period and consumption is less than billing base line for 20 Feb to 25 Feb time period but since for complete billing period consumption (74000)is more than billing base line (70000) and this comparison is done by IF01. Control in schema flows to rate which calculate the Debit $ amount for both the time slice which results incorrect calculation of bill amount

Has anybody encountered similar scenario before. Is there a way out so that individual comparison is carried out for each time slice to pass control to correct rate in schema.




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You can use variant quanti02 to determine the difference between the periodic consumption and base consuption.

first, you calculate the positive difference only ( periodic consumption - base period) by selecting variant control 2 - Negative differences are not updated. You store this into a new QUANT operand called QPLUSDIFF

then you do the same quanti02 to determine the negative difference, but first you detemine it as positive difference between base consumption and periodic consumption) and multiply the result with factor -1 with quanti09 and store it into a new QUANT operand called QNEGDIFF

Then you have your negative and positive differences and you can bill them with the corresponding prices in subsequent steps.

Hope this helps,

Daniel Toba