2015 Feb 18 5:43 PM
In Contract Account/Biller direct tab, when I select either SMS, Paper Bill or Email option and click on save ,message appears as no changes we made.
Do I need to update any configuration? I remember seeing those fields in FKKVKP table at different client.
Appreciate your help.
2015 Feb 18 11:06 PM
You did save your changes, but the the flags are not changing in the backend? Can you see at all the flags in the ERP backend on your contract account?
2015 Feb 19 12:27 AM
I don't see any of the following fields
in FKKVKP table.
PBILL_FIS Send Bill to Customer
SMSIN_FIS Send Bill Information by SMS
EMAIL_FIS Notification by e-Mail
2015 Feb 20 3:15 PM
if you can't see the fields in the fields in the FKKKVKP table, then you probably looking into a system that does yet have imported the requirt data structures. Are you looking into a random system or do you have actually an ERP system in front of you, that does have the support for contract accounts e.g. SAP IS-U ?