2018 Apr 26 2:49 PM
We have a requirement to compare between various Rates for a consumer and propose a Best Rate to the consumer so that the customer will get benefits after switching to a best Rate suitable for him.
1) Is there any standard way in SAP ISU to achieve this ?
2) Is there any other way by which we can achieve this ?
2018 Apr 26 3:55 PM
2018 Apr 27 7:21 AM
Hi William,
I have explored the options of Simulation workbench(EASIM). But i have not found any option in EASIM, wherein, we can change the rate categories of a consumer to compare between two rates.Also is it possible to switch from TOU to residential and vice versa and then perform the rate comparison ?
What i mean to say is that, whether by any way we can change the Ratetype in simulation work bench ?
2018 Apr 27 7:48 AM
As Will suggested use TCODE - EASIM , but before using it you have to perform configuration.
SAP Utilities -> contract billing -> billing execution --> define simulation scenarios.
2018 Apr 27 8:44 AM
Thanks for your Reply.
I have already explored the options of Simulation workbench(EASIM). However, Is there any configuration/Enhancements available through which we can do rate comparison by changing the Rate categories of the consumer / switching the consumer from TOU to Non-TOU (or) Vice versa?
2018 May 07 4:59 PM
Hi Pankaj,
Yes you can compare non-TOU rate categories with TOU and visa-versa , for that also you will see configuration in the same node. You have to define a templet contract and transfer rule which means how your consumption will slipt from total kWH to peak , off-peak ...