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Query regarding ISU streams

Hi Experts,I am studying ISU .So far what I get to know is that there are several areas of SAP IS-Utilities :ISU-CCS (Customer Care Solution)EDM (Energy Data Management)Work Management WA(SAP Waste and Recycling)IDE (Intercompany Data Exchange)My qu...

Hi all

Hi all..Can any body guide me what should i do ?Because i am new to ISUi have tried to go through any body help me in getting important transaction codes that are required in ISU...for all..Please reply me very soon...

POD Error

Welcome to ISU familyFriends ,T.CODE :ES30 and after pressing enter i am getting this error"Error in reading table EUISTRUTYPE"we have not maintained the proper IMG settings for pod structure .give the detail description of when to use the Structure...

EMMA Job Preparation

I am trying to log messages from RFCs in EMMA and I have run into an error when I attempt to prepare my job that states my mass activity is not completely maintained.I can successfully create the application log with the EMMA-011 header and EMMA-012 ...