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Hello,PS request lines are statistical lines.So it should reflect at DFKKOP.Is it possible to reverse the ps request and where i have o check this???"Highly Rewarded"Regards,Narendar Konakanchi
Hello,Instalment paln and payment schema(Budget Billling) both does the same functions.If i am right what are the differences.which gives the higher flexibility?where, how , when we use????
Hello ,I Want to have a good idea on DFKKOP,DFKKOPK,DFKKOPW.the above tables have the same text "Items in contract account document"please can anyone clear this..Regards,Narendar Konakanchi
Experts,Here's what the client requirement is: ' Client has a GIS system which they want to use instead of maintaining address in SAP and keeping both GIS n SAP in sync separately. They want to take the GIS extract for initial updating and populate t...
Hi,I am working with transaction ES55 to create the connection object.My client want only a group of users should have authorization to override wrong address while creating the connection object.Please help me if you had faced the similar type of re...
Hi gurus..In 46C, I can remove the clearing restriction (8) of an installment plan line item without any problems. I use transaction code FPR2, edit/change the installment plan, remove the clearing restriction of an item and save.In ECC6, I can remo...
Hello,I'm trying to find out if there is a way to identify the list of contract accounts that were billed and invoiced. I need to run a program after billing and invoicing that should be processing only the contract accounts that were billied and in...
We are noticing Workflow background steps getting created in the system but not started. Since we are running these workflows from User Input screens the users are having to wait until the workflow gets completed to proceed further. This is causing...
Hi friends, i was looking the forum threads and i discovered that ECC6 already have IS-U/CCS installed as plugin. My question is: How do i activate this module?Thanks,Estevan Stracke
Can the experts please explain what is the use of internal main and subtransaction?also if we allocate an external sub transaction to this internal sub transaction, this subtrnsaction cannot be selected while creating rates.( during selection of DST ...
Hi everyone,I was removing a meter from an installation, but it was taking so much time around two hours.Could anyone please tell me what could be the reason and how we can make it more fast?Thanks and RegardsMahavir
Hi everyone,I'm actually working on an upgrade from SAP ISU 4.6c to ECC6.0 and I have troubles to run my existing templates regarding the bill plan creation (node MOVE_IN_BBP).I have adapted to ECC6.0 requirements all the nodes of my templates and ev...
Hi,i am enhancing std SAP code and i am getting the details of table EABL. I want to fetch BP and Contract Account for the Device number Or EQUNR using FM or BAPI and not via SQL query.Pleas can someone suggest the same?Thanks,Anand.
Hello everyone,I have recently been speaking to a client who is running ISU. They are asking for assistance with thier landscape from a technical perspective (BASIS and DB). i.e. monitoring db growth, reorgs, etc.Now, I have been working in BASIS f...