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Resolved! SARA: Archiving

Hi,I am trying to run archiving transaction SARA and getting following error while trying to write step.Error - Unable to open archiving fileDoes anyone know what could be the possible reaons for this error? I think we may have some issues with creat...

Field Status in ISU

Query in ISU - Contract Accounts Receivable & Payable. In GL AR & AP, there are field status at various levels like Acct group, transaction specific co.code specific for master data, i just want to know is there any field status kind of thing in th...

ES31 error....

Hi In change installation ( ES31 t code ) i am trying to give the below rate type and fact group Rate Type Fact Group KW COMEHowever i am not getting COME in drop down and when i give manually i get below error The selected rate fact gr...

Double Statue in ISU Equipment

Hi Dear Experts,I'm new here in this Social Network, and i want to share with you my modest experience in SAP IS-UMy question is :is there any customising where you can stop the double statue of the ISU equipment (Device)I explain : if we try to ente...

Resolved! TCODE - E2DY

Hello,I wonder if there is some limit according to this Transaction,when I want to CHANGE The Scheduled MR DATE ?I will be able to change the Date when if Today is 16/6/09 and I can see that I can't read today,I will be able to make the change?I saw ...