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Dear coleagues,Is it posible to convert to a real document, the documents that are saved as Sample documents at table DFKKMKO, you can display this documents at transaction FPE3S.Best regards.Cristóbal.
Hello all!!!I`m a beginner in SAP IS-U, so, I NEED YOUR HELP!!!I want to use RTP interface with the RTP component 0002 (seasons+on\off consumtion). I checked period for seasons and period for on\ff peak - it is ok. I use formula LIMIT02 and 60 minit...
Hi allIn the ESCHEATMENT PRORCESS the events 430 and 431 are only triggering when START CHECK ESCHEATMENT PRORCESS (TC: FPCHESCH_START).but i need a event when triger before ESCHEATMENT PRORCESS like creation of checks while running TC: FPY1 and I n...
Hello,Could you please help me find out for what are used fields AWTYP (fkkko) and AWKEY (doc number) in table DFKKKO?I want to migrate there OPBEL from source system docs to keep this as link in target system, but I worry it will affect some other f...
Dear AllI am very new for this transcation can some one explain the use of the same.Please also let me know is this possible to post direct amount in contract account with this Tcode.Also please let me know the transcation key to use for the sameThan...
Dear ALL,Could anyone let me know how to use this user exit EDMSUPBI. Basically my requirements is to suppress billing for certain meter readings during upload of reading using meter reading upload BAPI.This user exit gets triggered during the above...
Hello All,I want to write a credit score formula bsed on the creditworthiness of the Business partner.For this I followed the below steps:1. Defined Rating Procedure FICA2.Implement and activate the BAdI FSBP_BP1012_SUPR_CHK (Control of Check ofRatin...
Hi SAP Gurus,We have a requirement to load13 months of historical interval reads data into Profiles. There are various approaches to acheive this. For other objects like loading Basic reads we have a EMIGALL object. But i need to know why there is no...
Hi all,I'm using ECC 6.0. I have a contract account that is set up to draft incoming payments. I have a direct debit limit, which works perfectly for single payment runs.My problem is that I can't get the number of months (rolling or not) to engage...
Dear Experts,I have an brief idea about SMART metering like different technologies are involved in it e.g. SAP NetWeaver, IDOCs, Workflows, Mobile technology, Radio/PLC, GPRS, MDUS etc.Can anybody help me in knowing the number of technologies involve...
Dear all,We are having a functionality of replacing the net due date in the current date with reference to the Posting area entry. in the invoice document .Can anybody tell me where and in which event we can maintain this .Susmita
Hello Experts,I created a class (cl02) and the related characteristics (ct04) to be used for connection objects. I wonder if there is a way to make the class field in the Assignments section pre-filled (or pre-selected) when creating the connectio...
Hi All In the Escheatment, we are processing the Transfer of cashed checks by using the TC:FPB12But the table DFKKCR (Repository For Checks) is not updating with the value for field ESCHRC_ORI (Receiver Code for Check Escheatment)Could you please le...
Hello,I am trying to use FP06 (account maintenance) for a collective account.The system doesn't allows to me to select debit documents (collective bill - statistical key S) at all.Someone knows about account maintenance restrictions for collective ac...