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Resolved! Unpaid Invoice in ERDK table

Hi,I've to find the unpaid invoices for a business partner in ISU. Can anyone please help me to determine if an invoice is paid or not. I was looking at table ERDK but not sure whether it has a field which indicates this.Thanks,Gauri

Profit Center Change in FICA Document

Hi Collegues,Can we have a posiibility to change profit center in FICA document via FPE2  ?  Profit Center Field is non modifiable field in document posted .  1. We have made configuration in  profit center fields as changeble  in IMG path :  Basic F...


Hi Experts,I need your help in replicating the ISU contracts to CRM,through emigal we have uploaded the contracts into EVER now i am trying to replicate contracts from ISU to CRM  for this we have to update EVERH table,for this i have created all the...

Resolved! Business Partner Invoice details

Hi, I'm new to SAP IS Utilities hence can someone help me with getting to know the following data for a particular contract account of a particular Business partner:1. Invoice type2. Unpaid amount for invoiceI know table ERDK returns the invoice numb...


i want to know if any lock is deleted manually then the entry of lock is removed from table but if locks validity is expires then entry remains in table .Is this sap bug? what should i do?