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when we run ea64 for some collective accounts no child invoices are printed.
Child invoices created and collective bill created. Still child invoices are not printed. Any suggestions on how to solve this???
I am developing program where 15 minutes profiles sum up and insert into day profile and looking for FM/ BADI to upload day values. I can able to update these values into EPROFVALMONTH table, but while checking into EEDM01 t code for day profile, day...
User accidently voided a cashed customer refund check using tcode FPCHR in ISU system. Is there a way to undo this? We tried FCHG and FBRA tcodes, but it is not working.
Is there capability in the SAP system to identify a meter roll over scenario and not mark it implausible for overflow (validation 15)
For example, If I have a 4 dial meter -
Current Read: 9995
Next Read: 0005 (There has been a consumptio...
trying to finid a function module for meter replacement,, found many posts about ISU_S_worklist_install,, ISU_METER_REPLACE,,, ISU_METER_REPLACE.. but could not use any of them,,
can you please advise which is the right one,, and what are ...
Hi all,
Urgent help required, we have a requirement to create time slices on device info record (post device installation) through device modification based on with register configuration changes it has undergone. However, along with the register g...
I am looking for advice on which billing variant(s) to use to subtract consumption from an annual block amount, which drives to a block rate. Annual consumption block is 10,000 units; price from 1-10,000 units is 20 cents/unit; from 10,000 – 99,999 u...
Hi Experts,
Hope things are good at your end.
I had a question regarding street-route allocations in SAP IS-U.
Although we've standard FMs/table to find allocated meters in a meter reading unit, but I don't see any which will give me the detai...
We are using IS-Utilities EDM profile with interval length 60 minutes (let's call it F-profile) calculated by user defined formula. The formula determines the hour with maximum energy consumption in 24 hour period and put value '1' for this ho...
Hi Experts,
Our business requirement is to have a different consumption preparation logic then normal meter reading estimation, so they wants to follow standard meter reading estimation process for EL28 and all but when it comes to unbilled revenue...
There is a business need in system setup where two devices at same premise but at different device locations have different meter read dates. These meters are read at different dates, On enter meter read results at different dates SAP errors out aski...
Hello experts,
We're working with an SAP C4C front-end, and need to be able to access SAP IS-U Collections Worklists/Work items per assigned User (just like in CRM IC Web).
If anyone has any insights into this, that would be very useful.
Hello SAP Experts,
I am faced with a challenge I am sure many others have faced before. We are trying to perform a rate comparison between non TOU to TOU contracts. We need to use the consumption values / profile values for the non billable interv...
I usually use T-Code EL01 to create meter reading orders and was wondering if there is a way to create meter reading orders for multiple months at the same time instead of doing one by one. I created orders by device numbers and would like t...