2010 Jan 20 12:14 PM
Dear Expert,
I am using this Function Module ISU_S_PROFHEAD_CREATE . This function Module Upload Profile Header Data.
But it does not contains the field AuthorizGroup(BEGRU).
Is there any other BAPI or Function Module Available????????????/
Chintan Shah
2010 Jan 20 1:14 PM
Maybe you can use a master data template (transaction EPRODCUST) of type EDM_PROFHEAD ?
This contains the field BEGRU. I don't know if it is an option, depends on the version of your system...
2010 Jan 20 1:14 PM
Maybe you can use a master data template (transaction EPRODCUST) of type EDM_PROFHEAD ?
This contains the field BEGRU. I don't know if it is an option, depends on the version of your system...