2016 Jun 09 11:02 PM
Hi All,
Please let me know if there is any BAPI to support the process of transfer posting using FPE1.
As FP40 won't support transfer posting across divisions, we are using FPE1. We are trying to automate this process.
Thank you
2016 Jun 13 4:51 PM
Hi Sruthi,
FP40 can't be used on different divisions.
Another approach to achieve it is say debit charge need to be transferred from source to target account.
Through FPE1 post credit on source and debit on target account using same main,sub and company code in one shot , so the net effect will be Credit AR and Debit AR(Zero), not posting against any other accounts.
2016 Jun 10 7:19 AM
Hi Shruthi,
Try this BAPI, which was used for same purpose but not FPE1.
2016 Jun 10 10:53 AM
Hi Shruthi\Hari,
BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_TRANSFER will not work for transfer posting across divisions as it calls event 5095 internally, where in validation is there which checks for the same division and if not raises the same error as you get in FP40.
I don't think you will find a single FM to do this activity.
You can use FM, FKK_CREATE_DOC_AND_CLEAR to post the adjustment in the source account and based on the output, you can use the FM, FKK_CREATE_DOC to post the offset entry in the Target account.
Hope it helps..
2016 Jun 10 3:36 PM
Thank You Hari.
We checked that BAPI before, as Amlan said it is giving the same error.
2016 Jun 10 3:52 PM
Thank you Amlan.
We actually tried "BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CREAT" to post the entries in Target account, but FM type of the transferred entry is showing as "A" - Invoice but not "F" -Transfer Posting.
But we have not used " FKK_CREATE_DOC_AND_CLEAR" for the adjustment in source account, we will try this and let you know how it goes.
2016 Jun 14 10:33 PM
Hi Amlan,
While using FM "FKK_CREATE_DOC_AND_CLEAR", we are getting below error.
"Formal error: Document contains no items / clearing items". Please let us know how to proceed?
Thank you
2016 Jun 15 3:36 PM
Hi Sruthi,
I think the error that you are getting is because, the table parameter, T_FKKCL, is not being filled for the FM,FKK_CREATE_DOC_AND_CLEAR.You need to fill this paramter programatically.
This paramter will contain the items, against which you are posting the adjustment entry and clearing it at one go.
You can use the FM, FKK_OPEN_ITEM_SELECT to retrieve the Open item and pass it in the T_FKKCL structure for the FM, FKK_CREATE_DOC_AND_CLEAR to create and clear the adjustment entry sequentially.
Finally, trigger the BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT to save the transaction in SAP DB.
Hope it helps..
2016 Jun 13 4:51 PM
Hi Sruthi,
FP40 can't be used on different divisions.
Another approach to achieve it is say debit charge need to be transferred from source to target account.
Through FPE1 post credit on source and debit on target account using same main,sub and company code in one shot , so the net effect will be Credit AR and Debit AR(Zero), not posting against any other accounts.
2016 Jun 14 10:31 PM
Thank you Vikram.
We want to track these items with document type Transfer Posting(TP) instead of Miscelleneous Posting (MP). Also we have created seperate Main, sub and GLs for transfer posting items.
2016 Jun 15 4:38 PM
Hi Sruthi,
You can select document type TP even through FPE1 transaction code.