2015 Dec 15 11:19 PM
Hello experts,
I was looking for the BAPI to process the open items like we do in FPE1.
So far I found FKK_CREATE_DOC_AND_CLEAR and it works.
However, this FM is not released by SAP.
Wondering if this is used by you guys and is it could be use.
Or is there any better FM or BAPI.
2015 Dec 16 12:10 AM
Hi Sachin,
In my experience, even I have used the same way of calling the FM you mentioned.
However, if you want to use BAPI, you can use BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CREATE. And after this function call, use BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT. And then you can call BAPI_CTRACCONTRACCOUNT_CLR to clear the new document with open item.
I would also want to know if there is any better way of doing it.
2015 Dec 16 6:41 PM
Thanks. The problem with using 2 of these BAPIs separately is it creates 2 documents. One posting and other account maintainence.
2015 Dec 16 10:56 AM
Hi Sachin,
'FM, FKK_CREATE_DOC_AND_CLEAR is not released by SAP'- I am unable to understand what you try to mean by this statement.
Apart from the BAPIs mentioned in the above post, there is another FM, FKK_CREATE_DOC_MASS_AND_CLEAR, which you can use.
Hope it helps...
2015 Dec 16 6:44 PM
I meant the below attribute.
If you see the BAPIs or other FMs, it has a release date.
I am not sure how significant it is because FPE1 internally uses the same below FM.
My purpose is solved by using this FM but wanted to seek opinion from broader audience if they have had any issues with using such FM.
2015 Dec 16 9:17 PM
When a function is not released, then you have no guarantee/expectation of the behavior remaining the same. SAP can change/remove it and you are out of luck. You cannot get support for issues using an unreleased function in your custom code. BAPI/business objects are supported for customer use.
2015 Dec 17 2:14 PM
Hi all,
you should use below functions.
Best regards,