2014 May 21 11:54 AM
Does anybody know if it's possible to create variants automatically in IS-U? For instance for transactions (EL09, EL16, EL18 etc.).
is there somebody who knows the answer? Thank you!
Rob Eijfferts
2014 May 21 9:00 PM
You can run/schedule RFKKDI01 to generate existing mass activity interval variants - but there is no standard method for creating new variants. Those must be done manually. This is designed since the interval variant details work hand-in-hand with the mass activity transaction parameters. A variant may not work as well when used with different transaction parameters.
2014 May 21 9:00 PM
You can run/schedule RFKKDI01 to generate existing mass activity interval variants - but there is no standard method for creating new variants. Those must be done manually. This is designed since the interval variant details work hand-in-hand with the mass activity transaction parameters. A variant may not work as well when used with different transaction parameters.
2014 Oct 20 3:09 PM
I ran the program manually, created a variant, and I saw my values in tables FKKDIHDR and FKKDIPOS. I set my values of Number of Intervals which I saw in FKKDIHDR table too.
Now, when I want to do a Mass run for EA29, it is not picking up the Number of intervals. Where do I go to set this new Number of Intervals?
2014 May 22 9:52 AM