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Automatic estimation and EABL-ISTABLART

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello experts,

we used a user exists to determine estimated MR according a some logic, for example, we can make use of the same period of the previous year, or we can make use of the last 2 periods. and accoding to the periods that we choose we determine the current MR.

our problem is EABL-ISTABLART=03 when the MR is automatic estimated regardless the base of the estimation (last year or last 2 periods).

we want to make a distinguish and make EABL-ISTABLART=99 if the estimation was according to last 2 periods.

how can we inforce the system to do this? or maybe you have other suggestions.

any answer will be apperciated.

Thanks and regards.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Hussam,

In my current project we have implemented custom estimation logic as per the business requirements.

Custom estimation is implemented based on three formulas and hence we needed to identify the estimation calculation logic using MR type (ISTABLART).

We created 3 custom MR types for estimated meter read - E1, E2 and E3 and the logic is implemented in EXIT_SAPLELSV_001  user exit. This user exit is activated on save of MR result.

Hence when read is estimated using any of the existing standard SAP transactions (EL28, EL29, EL27, EL18, EL35....) on save of MR read this exit is activated to determine the correct custom estimation MR type.



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Hussam,

In my current project we have implemented custom estimation logic as per the business requirements.

Custom estimation is implemented based on three formulas and hence we needed to identify the estimation calculation logic using MR type (ISTABLART).

We created 3 custom MR types for estimated meter read - E1, E2 and E3 and the logic is implemented in EXIT_SAPLELSV_001  user exit. This user exit is activated on save of MR result.

Hence when read is estimated using any of the existing standard SAP transactions (EL28, EL29, EL27, EL18, EL35....) on save of MR read this exit is activated to determine the correct custom estimation MR type.



0 Kudos

Hi Hussam and Mayuresh,

In my company we use degree day weighting procedure takes seasonal fluctuations into account across a comparative base period by analyzing past usage and weather patterns.  The procedure selects the total metered consumption from a comparative base period which encompasses both the base load portion and the heat load portion.  As a result, the extrapolated meter reading result will “swing” either too high or too low depending on the weather variables.  The procedure needs to take heat sensitivity into account when extrapolating a meter reading result since a base load represents the non-weather sensitive portion of the total metered consumption.

we have identified a way how to split the baseload and heat load and estimate using only the heat load.

But, Interested to know about if any of gas utility company using custom estimation procedure.

If so please let me know what are the facts we need to consider before going to an custom estimation procedure? Do we need to build it from scratch? what are the key parameters required for this custom procedure? and what would be the impact when we do a mass estimation? and also what are the enhancement parts which i can use to start the estimation using SAP standard logic and inbetween execute the custom part and back again to standard estimation logic and complete it by a custom result as expeceted result.

Any documentation or reference or guidance is highly appreciated.



0 Kudos

Hi Hussam,

Thanks for your help! I was looking a user exit for the trx EL28 when the user touch the buttom "SAVE" and you give me the solution!

Best Regards and thanks!