2010 Jun 23 10:19 PM
To whom it may concern, We want to automate the correction of meter readings with a custom development and to post the differences just after the reading is updated. Our idea is as follows (and we are going to design our development with this idea): to call the reversal adjustment transaction (EA21); then, call a function module to update the meter readings (e.g. EL29 or EL27) and, finally, call the billing and invoicing transactions (EAMABI and EA10) in order to post in FI-CA the differences of readings. We have been searching for BAPIs and/or standard functions to update the meter readings without success. Can you give us some tips? Regards, Fernando.
2010 Jun 24 8:06 AM
Here are some BAPI and Enahancements that may help in relation to the Meter reading side:
BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD:Upload meter reading results
Enhancements (TRx SMOD)
EDMMRRES Change readings during upload (before validation)
EDMLADUE IS-U: User Interface for Autom. MR Result Monitoring
EDMFOLUP IS-U: Determine follow-up actions during MR result entry
EDMLELSV IS_U: User Exit After Saving Meter Reading Results
Hope this is helpful for you.
2010 Jun 24 8:06 AM
Here are some BAPI and Enahancements that may help in relation to the Meter reading side:
BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD:Upload meter reading results
Enhancements (TRx SMOD)
EDMMRRES Change readings during upload (before validation)
EDMLADUE IS-U: User Interface for Autom. MR Result Monitoring
EDMFOLUP IS-U: Determine follow-up actions during MR result entry
EDMLELSV IS_U: User Exit After Saving Meter Reading Results
Hope this is helpful for you.
2010 Jul 09 7:54 PM
FM ISU_S_METERREAD_CHANGE seems to be helpful. Import parameter X_ACTION must be = u201805u2019.
2010 Jul 09 7:55 PM
FM ISU_S_METERREAD_CHANGE seems to be helpful. Import parameter X_ACTION must be = u201805u2019.
2010 Dec 15 10:01 AM
Hello Guys,
Could you please help me with some queries with regard to Meter Reading change. We have recently upgraded to ECC 6 and BDC code for changing the Meter reading using transaction EL28 is giving errors. It is working fine in foreground mode but not in background mode.
So I have replaced the BDC with BAPI BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD but still I am not able to change the meter readings.
One of our ISU consultant has advised me to create Meter Reading Order first and then Call this BAPI to change the meter reading. He told me that in transaction EL28 Meter reading order is created automatically .
Now my question is that How can I create a Meter reading order Programmatically. Is there any BAPI or function module for this. I searched a lot on SDN for any relevent threads but couldnt find anything.
Much appreciated.