2013 Mar 19 8:27 AM
Dear Experts,
I have a requiremnt for Security Deposit
1) I want to make the interest key mandatory for Security deposits or at the very least ensure that the key is entered prior to saving the security deposit.
2) At the time of payment of a security deposit, what FQEvent is triggered, which will inform about the payment status, to trigger automatic receipt of security
deposit payment.
2013 Mar 20 12:05 AM
Hi Abash,
You can make the interest key field mandatory in the transaction FPSEC1 by setting a screen variant through SHD0.
If you want to specify any value in the field as default, you can also sepcify that during the creation of the screen variant through SHD0.
There are quite a few events which gets triggerred during the payment processing in SAP.
However, if you requirement is to know the payment status, I think you should go for event 0020.
Hope it helps...
2013 Mar 20 12:05 AM
Hi Abash,
You can make the interest key field mandatory in the transaction FPSEC1 by setting a screen variant through SHD0.
If you want to specify any value in the field as default, you can also sepcify that during the creation of the screen variant through SHD0.
There are quite a few events which gets triggerred during the payment processing in SAP.
However, if you requirement is to know the payment status, I think you should go for event 0020.
Hope it helps...
2013 Mar 25 6:03 AM
Hi Amlan,
Thanks for Quick reply,
Could you plese reply which FQEVENT trigger automatic receipt of security
deposit payment.
2013 Mar 25 6:30 AM
By "automatic receipt of Security Deposit payment" what requirment you want to cater?
In other words, what changes are you expecting to be triggerred by this event in SAP.
Please let me know the buisness process in detail around this "Automatic receipt of SD"
2013 Mar 25 11:52 AM
Hi Amlan,
My requirement is ? Mature security deposits are identified through batch execution program then work items were created for review. If SD to be released for repayment then SD released and then ends the program, else SD is extension. If SD extension okay then SD extended later ends the program, else offset the program then go to correspondence (Offset letter) then end the program.Here need Offset letter which Event will trigger ?
Release and Re-payment of Security Deposit |
2013 Mar 25 1:03 PM
FQEVENTS for cash security deposit.
726 | Correspondence: Print Cash Sec.Dep.Interest |
727 | Correspondence: Create Cash Sec.Dep.Interest |
1778 | Mass Activity: Cash Security Deposit Interest Calculation |
2005 | Cash Sec. Dep. Int: Interest Key Determination |
2015 | Interest on Cash Security Deposit: Item Check |
2013 Mar 26 1:45 AM
Hi Abash,
From your post, the process that you want to cater is related to the repayment of amount held as Security deposit, during the SD release,
Also, I think you are using workflow for determining the fate of the SD, whether to be released or extended.
Now, if you are using releasing the SD for repayment of the SD amount to the customer and you want to create a letter being sent to the customer, I would recommend you to use event 870.
This event gets triggerred during the SD release and enables you to carry out additional checks before releasing a cash security deposit request.
So in this event, you pass a entry with the relevant details like, Correspondence type, Correpondence key, Contract account, Contract etc, to the table DFKKCOH.
I would recommend you to use the COTYP-0019.
Once the data is updated in table DFKKCOH, execute the correpsondence run FPCOPARA, with the particular COTYP and if all the correspondence settings are maintained correctly, then it will generate a spool requests\file containing the payment information arising out of the SD release.
Hope it helps...
2013 Apr 09 4:56 AM
Hi All,
Thanks for You reply,
My requirement is When we raise security deposit request in FPSEC1 status showing "Requested"
If I made payment in FP25/FP05/credit card/debit card/payware against SD request the status showing "Paid" at the same time i need reciept Correspondence based on the status change system shoud trigger FQEVENT.
Now my question is how this status changing and which event/Fm calling while this movement.
Please give me clarification,It would be a great help to me......
2013 Apr 09 5:03 PM
2013 Apr 23 2:09 PM
Hi All,
Thanks for all My issue has been re-solved with Event 0020.