2011 Oct 03 5:30 PM
Hi Experts,
We've implemented archiving in our IS-U system and are facing a problem in FICA archiving.
For FI_MKKDOC (FICA Docs), consecutive Write sessions have been executed without their corresponding deletes being executed.
As a result, the infostructure for FI_MKKDOC contain multiple entries for the same Document number.
How can we resolve this?
Thanks and Regards,
2011 Oct 04 2:28 AM
Hi Ravi,
Before you run the Write program for any archiving object, in customizing, you can specify if Delete programs have to start automatically after write program or have to do it manually.
Since in your case, Delete program was not run manually, you can delete the infostructures and refill them by running the Write Programs and Delete programs consecutively. You can perform this through t-code SARI. Go to Status and give your customizing object. Then select the Write run and click on Delete Infostructures. Once you run the Delete program, you can again Refill the structures,
2011 Oct 04 2:28 AM
Hi Ravi,
Before you run the Write program for any archiving object, in customizing, you can specify if Delete programs have to start automatically after write program or have to do it manually.
Since in your case, Delete program was not run manually, you can delete the infostructures and refill them by running the Write Programs and Delete programs consecutively. You can perform this through t-code SARI. Go to Status and give your customizing object. Then select the Write run and click on Delete Infostructures. Once you run the Delete program, you can again Refill the structures,
2011 Oct 04 5:33 PM
Hi Ravi (same name).....
I've actually taken a look at this option, but there is a glitch in this.
For the archiving object in question, there are three Infostructures. Two of them are not affected even if we have duplicates in the archives. The third Infostructure shows duplicates. If we empty out the infostructures using SARI all three infostructures will be emptied out.
We dont want to touch the two that are fine.
Thanks and Regards,
2011 Nov 28 6:26 AM
Hi Ravi
as you know archiving works usually in at least 2 steps - WRITE to a file from the SAP database followed by a DELETE. If the data is already deleted it cannot be written again from the data base.
We do not need to rerun anything. An info structure is only filled or populated during a delete run if it has first been activated. You cannot run a delete twice as the data will not be there to delete twice in the data base.
Normally you would not need 3 info structures - you choose the one most appropriate to your needs.
If you have an info structure which is not correct do the following (this is generic as am currently working on a system without FI-CA):
Go to SARI
specify the archiving object - I assume it is FI_MKKDOC
Select the buttton Status per InfoStructure
Select the Infostructure
Select Delete Structure
start transaction SARJ
choose the infostructure and activate
Start transaction SARI
Specify the archiving object
select the button Ststus per Infostructure
select the info structure
select the button Fill structures
Your info structure will then be refilled with data from the archive files
2011 Dec 05 6:16 PM
Hi Ravi,
Hope you might have known this. If you deactivate or delete the Archive Info structure , you would loose the Old data that is stored in the ZARIX* table which was already deleted from the Tables.
Are you implementing this FI_MKKDOC recently. Based on that you can decide.