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Aggregate Invoicing - Manual billing documents

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

I am working on Aggregate invoicing functionality for the distributor.

So far, I have posted the aggr bills (FICA and Billing) tables DFKKTHI / ECROSSREFNO. However this i have managed to do only for Consumption Bills (periodic/interim).

I have checked the SAP cookbook which states that the manual bills cannot be invoiced without a consumption bill which is fine.

However, I am unable to invoice the manual bill with the consumption bill as well.

The steps I followed.

1. Created a periodic bill and a manual bill (EASIBI / EA16).

2. Released the manual bill.

3. Now I try to invoice the periodic and manual bill into 1 invoice (have checked the dates). I select both the billing documents.

However 2 invoices are created. The periodic bill has an entry in DFKKTHI and the manual bill does not.

Moreover the ISU-data tab in the FICA document does not get populated. No cross-ref number is generated either.

+ Note : At this point the R403 event was made inactive +


1. At the contract , joint invoicing = 3 [Contract must not be invoiced with other contracts]. It does not allow me to set it to 1 and 2 because of the deregulation

2. I checked the joint invoicing event R403 and setting the E_group value the same gives an error as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards


Edited by: Averil Annie Lobo on Sep 28, 2010 1:49 PM

Edited by: Averil Annie Lobo on Sep 28, 2010 1:51 PM


Former Member
0 Kudos

Closing the thread.

OSS Note 1484625 applied to resolve the issue.