2015 Jul 08 10:27 AM
I created an invoice, which is shown in FPL9 as IS-U Invoicing. But when I reversed the invoice using EA15, the reversal entry is not posted in FPL9, but the original invoicing document which was posted in FPL9 got disappeared.
I checked the entry in DFKKOP. The entry was like below.
Original Invoice document No: 100000 with Main 100, Sub 0002 with clearing document 200000 (Invoice reversal Doc.).
In DFKKOPK, both 100000 and 200000 exists.
Then why neither of the documents are shown in FPL9 after reversal?
2015 Jul 08 11:03 AM
Hi Viraj,
Give the account no in FPL9 and execute and go to the Account Balance:Basic List
Now in the Menu, go to Settings (Alt+S) and go to Zero Clearing-->Show.
I think you will be able to see the original and reversed documents.
2015 Jul 08 11:03 AM
Hi Viraj,
Give the account no in FPL9 and execute and go to the Account Balance:Basic List
Now in the Menu, go to Settings (Alt+S) and go to Zero Clearing-->Show.
I think you will be able to see the original and reversed documents.
2015 Jul 08 11:13 AM
Hi Amlan,
In my version of ECC. There is an option of With Reversal in FPL9->Settings->With Reversal. After clicking it, Now I am able to see the Reversal Items.
Thank You So much... Your hint gives me a way to solution..!!!