2015 Jul 25 6:04 AM
Hello experts,
Can we do adjustment reversal for billing document generated and invoiced two years ago?
2015 Jul 26 6:31 AM
Hi Viraj,
Yes you can do that , But you can not only reverse that particular bill if bill documents exists after that particular billing document in that case you have to perform adjustment reversal for all the afterwards billing document.
In case if you are getting error of "Billing document is archive" (Some companies do not allow changes after 1 year ) so you can change Archiving days value in customization.
2015 Jul 26 6:31 AM
Hi Viraj,
Yes you can do that , But you can not only reverse that particular bill if bill documents exists after that particular billing document in that case you have to perform adjustment reversal for all the afterwards billing document.
In case if you are getting error of "Billing document is archive" (Some companies do not allow changes after 1 year ) so you can change Archiving days value in customization.
2015 Jul 26 7:17 AM
Thanks Manoj for the answer. What can be the work around if we do not want to reverse all subsequent bill documents and only want to reverse one document?
2015 Jul 26 7:38 AM
Hi Viraj,
If you know the adjustment or Delta amount & quantity I will propose you to create Manual billing (EA16) document for that billing period .In this case no billing reversal is needed.
Else there is no other option as i know .
2015 Jul 27 2:55 PM
Hi Viraj,
Adjustment reversal would take care of both read adjustments (if required) and financial adjustments. but, this requires re-invoicing of last two invoice docs.
In workarounds such as
1. Manual billing - financial adjustment and statistical postings will be taken care but not read adjs.
2. Direct posting in FICA - financial adjustments will be taken care but not the read adjs and statistical postings.
2015 Jul 29 12:32 PM
In both the option Manual Billing and Direct posting to FICA, I would not be able print the invoice out of SAP. Will I ?
2015 Jul 29 2:10 PM
Manual billing document can be invoiced separately or can be included in the next periodical invoice and get printed.
Direct FICA posting entry would be included in the next invoice.
2015 Jul 29 2:35 PM
What do you suggest, what is the best way to handle the provisional billing scenario? My client is in Generation of Power domain. So, I am implementing Generation Billing. Now, on the 1st day of the month they do not have the actual data, so they do billing on normative data. Then, after some days, or some months it may take to get the actual data. Once they get the actual data, they want to again re-bill for the same period.
And there can be more than one iterations for re-billing for the same period.
2015 Jul 29 4:28 PM
You can achieve these kind of scenarios through back billing, this will keep few previous periods open for correction. You can check in the back billing option or dynamic period control in rate category and set it up according to your requirement.
2015 Jul 30 5:35 AM
Hi Viraj,
"Dynamic period control" configuration is meant to handle these kinds of scenarios, How it works is.
Jan-15 ----Reading received --- Actual meter reading ---- 1200
Feb-15 ----Reading not received --- Estimated meter reading ---- 1700 (Bill will be of 500 kWh consumption)
Mar-15 ---- Reading not received --- Estimated meter reading ---- 2100(Bill will be of 400 kWh consumption)
Apr-15 ----Reading received --- Actual meter reading ---- 1500 (So reversal lines (with credit amount) of last two bills and one line of actual to actual consumption 300 Kwh)
If you want more help on DPC please let me know.
2015 Aug 05 12:54 PM
For given requirement, there is enhancement spot available which will allowed you to carry out multiple adjustment reversal for same billing period.
But if time lag is very long (in your example, 2 year) than in such case, manual billing is suggested recourse.
Hope it helps.