2010 Jan 21 10:14 AM
Hi Exeperts,
I have implemented new custom FM for the my client bussiness requirement.this FM needs to add in FQEVENTS 1100,But we cannot add Custom Fm for this event.(No cust Module is checked.).but i have to add my custom function module.So please tell me is there any alternative way to do this or there are any other events nearby, which we could use in stead ..and i am new to SAP utility..is the possible to create New Fqevents for my requirement as i can use like fqevents 1100...
2010 Jan 21 2:45 PM
generally speaking, FQEVENTS will allow you to set up your own function. However, there are some events which are only used internally - and 100 is one of them. You should try debugging your process and see if another event suits your need. Also look at .
2010 Jan 21 2:45 PM
generally speaking, FQEVENTS will allow you to set up your own function. However, there are some events which are only used internally - and 100 is one of them. You should try debugging your process and see if another event suits your need. Also look at .
2010 Jan 25 3:01 PM
Could you please let us know the functionality/requirement as per which you wanted to customise the events 1100.