2013 Jun 18 6:54 AM
Hello friends,
I have a specific scenario for billing customer Demand.
The scenario is for as single BP who has 3 installations and 3 different meters (1 meter at each installation).
Though the BP has 3 different installations / meters, he has a only one figure for Contract DEMAND.
Hence I have to add the MEASURED DEMAND from 3 different meters and compare this FINAL MEASURED with CONTRACT DEMAND.
This scenario is not available in Joint invoicing. Is ther any standard config available for this? If not what could be the work around?
Thanks in advance for your help.
2013 Jun 18 3:24 PM
When there are multiple demand registers I have seen them being installed on one installation and thereby you would be able to access the demand values in the register rates and be able to perform the comparisons using standard DEMAND variant programs.
2013 Jun 19 5:35 AM
Hello Yuvraj,
Thanks for the reply. However My requirement is to have separate installation. Hence the poroblem .
Thank you very much.
2013 Jun 18 4:51 PM
We accomplish this with "Virtual Meters" ie a dummy meter that gets hand-entered reads from the MV90 system that has done the aggregation from the physical meters.
2013 Jun 19 5:36 AM
Astrid, Thanks for the reply. I am currently using the same config. Is there any other way for this.
Thanks for your reply and time.
2013 Jun 19 5:38 AM
2013 Jun 19 4:40 PM
Hi Rohit
To answer both questions
1) MV90 is an ITRON product for interval meters https://www.itron.com/na/productsAndServices/Pages/MV90%20xi.aspx
2) The virtual metering set up was a continuation of how these installations were billed in our legacy system. We weren't aware of the installation group functionality and it sounds interesting, I'm planning on exploring that to see if we can eliminate the virtual meters which do what we want billing wise but cause issues elsewhere.
2013 Jun 21 12:33 AM
Having done some more research on our virtual meters, the installation group functionality isn't going to help, as the physical meters have interval reads and the billed demand has to be for the 1 interval in the month with the highest load across all demand registers.
2013 Jun 27 5:15 AM
Hello Astrid, Thanks much for the informatin.
I will check this out.
2013 Jun 19 4:15 AM
2013 Jun 19 5:36 AM
2013 Jun 19 9:37 AM
Hi Rohit,
I believe you can have one of the below options
1) Implement installation grouping, where you'll have the dependency of billing the two installations first and then while billing the third installation you can use the demand of first two installations for comparison in billing schema.
2) You can do a full installation of the three meters and then billing related installation of first two meters on the third installation (making the demand registers for first two meter as not relevant to billing in their original installation) and use the demand of first two meters in the third installation for comparision.
3) Build a custom Z-variant program, which looks for te demands in first two installation and brings it to your schema for comparison.(You may use a Ztable to store the demand of first two meters ti get a better visibility.
Hope any of the above option could help you.
2013 Jun 19 11:22 AM
This can be achieved through Installation Groups. Installation Group is used for data exchange between installations.
Suppose Installation(A) for which the contract Demand is maintained, at that installation(A), measured demand can be tranferred from the other two installations(B & C) and then it can be added at that level in rate config so that it can be compared with contract demand.
When Billing will execute for Installation B & C then the Demand operands will capture and store their value so that it can be transffered to Installation A when it will be billed. At the time of billing of Installation A the Demand recieved from installation B & C will be added and then compared with Contract Demand.