2012 Jan 03 10:25 AM
We are trying to e-mail the dunning forms we send using transactions FPVA / FPVB / FPCOPARA. At the moment the smartform is attached as PDF file without a body text.
The PDF file we want to keep but we also want to add a body text to the e-mail. Preferably we would also add a variable text to the subject of the e-mail.
What I found on SDN was to set the u201CSAP Smart Forms Output Typeu201D to u201CXSF Output + HTMLu201D but then the smartform was still attached as PDF and not as body text.
Can anyone please help me on how to add a body text to the generated e-mail and how to change the subject of the e-mail.
Thanks a lot,
Kind regards,
Lukas Molenaar
2013 Mar 21 1:22 PM
Hi Lukas,
Could you please let me know how you resolved the issue.
Best regards,
2013 Apr 03 8:18 AM