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About operand group in ISU Billing

Former Member
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Dear friends,

I just want to know more about the following objects in Utilities.

1.What is operand groups

2.How to define a hierarchy of operand group?

3.What is Weighting procedure ,Linear weighting ?

Thanks in advance,



Former Member
0 Kudos

1.What is operand groups

An Operand group is used to group operands for display purpose in the rate, rate category and installation facts.

You allocate the operands to the operand groups while defining the operand in EA50.

Ex: You can allocate operands 'Ordered Demand' and 'Minimum Demand' to operand group 'Demand'

2.How to define a hierarchy of operand group?

You can assign three levels (Top level, First level and Second level) to the hierarchy of a operand group........

This can be done while defining the operand group itself in ....

SPRO-> SAP Utilities-> Contract Billing-> Billing Master Data->Rate structure-> Operands-> Define Operand Groups.

Ex: You have a upper level operand group ZOPRG and two lower level operand groups ZOPRG1 and ZOPRG2, enter ZOPRG as the upper level operand group for ZOPRG1 and ZOPRG1 as the upper level operand group for ZOPRG2.

Hence ZOPRG will assume top level and ZOPRG1 and ZOPRG2 will assume first level and second level respectively.

3.What is Weighting procedure ,Linear weighting ?

Liner weighting is the fixed linear portion that is added to the other weighting procedure during the determination of the

expected meter reading. You enter the fixed value in the register data during installation or in the rate of the installation structure along with the validity period.

Hope this will suffice!



0 Kudos

Thanks Rajini.

Can you elaborate more on weighting procedure,where and in which scenario we will be going for it?


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Former Member
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Thanks to all