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Announcement: 2020 International SAP Conference for Utilities postponed due to the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Please read more on the website.
We are very sad, that we won't be able to meet you in Basel! We will do our best to inform you about the latest trends and innovations virtually.
Get an overview of the Agenda:
Our agenda covers all major utilities-specific topics and includes presentations from our customers, SAP colleagues, industry experts, and our partners. Melanie Fiolka organizes the event and will give you some insights on the agenda highlights.
Opening Utilities Keynote: Moving Towards 2030 Diversity – Making the Transition with a Focus on Cloud Innovations
Our Global Head of the IBU Utilities Miguel Gaspar Silva is looking forward to meeting you at the event. Watch his video to hear about the major reasons to attend the event, how a perfect conference day look like and what you can expect in his keynote.
Opening Keynote: Mission Jet Stream – Flying Without Wings
Marc Hauser is a Swiss world-record holding jet stream jumper. He jumped out of a balloon at 7,400 m and sky dived into the jet stream to reach an incredible speed of 270kph. Learn from the courage, motivation, and the infectious optimism to master your challenges.
Executive SAP Keynote: The Energy Industry – Journey Towards a Low-Carbon Economy
The energy industries are under a lot of public and investor scrutiny for providing the energy and raw materials that power our planet and everybody’s life. Listen how Peter argues that we need to shift the view from energy and natural resources along the global supply chains all the way to the consumer’s shopping basket. He thinks that SAP’s role is to enable the transition to a low-carbon economy by helping customers analyze and optimize the climate impact of their products and operations and to ultimately enable consumers to make informed decisions. Read more
Customer Spotlight: How Are Utilities in Australia and New Zealand Driving Innovation with SAP?
During this unique and interactive session hear how the ANZ region is leading the way with SAP. Gain insight into the latest projects, regional challenges and future planned innovation which will be presented Dayle Stevens from AGL and Kevin Angland from Mercury.
Here are some examples of what these two companies recently accomplished: Read Mercury’s customer story and see how its focus on employees delivers a lifelong customer experience.
AGL made its call center more effective by introducing SAP User Experience Management by Knoa to find and address challenges its users experienced resulting in a superior customer-centric experience. Read the story
Utilities Keynote: SAP Solution Roadmap for the Climate Economy
Within this presentation you will obtain information about the global utilities market trends. We will explain the motivation for SAP’s investment strategy into the existing on-premise and new cloud solution for the utilities industry as the digital backbone for the climate economy. We will cover the entire innovations in S/4HANA Utilities with a focus on the most recent topics such as Machine Learning (ML) scenarios and also provide some customer success stories. Moreover, the SAP Cloud for Utilities portfolio will be discussed, and you will get an outline of its development roadmap.
Customers at the Conference:
Learn from Their Experiences:
We are deligheted that customers such as AGL, CLP, EEGSA, Engie, Entergy, EPM, Equatorial Energia, FARYS, Fluvius, Industrielle Werke Basel, Innogy, Mercury, UTE, Vattenfall, Water Utilities Corporation, and Wien Energie will share their experiences with us. Read more
Focus Topics/Tracks:
Learn More About SAP Cloud for Utilities
Our conference will have a special focus on the new SAP Cloud for Utilities suite. We offer a full-day workshop that provides detailed information about our new suite. The Cloud Journey track starts with an overview presentation, followed by a customer panel with our co-innovation customers. We are very pleased that our customers will share their cloud experiences afterwards. Don’t miss the short microforum sessions which will give a brief insight into this topic and allow you to discuss your situation with our experts. Our leadership team is looking forward to meeting you in Basel.
Intelligent Technologies as Innovation Driver for Utilities Companies
Innovations have never been more important than they are today for the utilities industry. Climate targets such as the reduction of CO² emissions require innovative business models in the energy, transportation and communication system. SAP is investing heavily to help you to be even more successful in the new energy world. Join exciting presentations from both SAP and our customers, giving you examples of how you can handle innovations and tackle the challenges. In our exhibition we will show you how you can use new technologies, such as blockchain and machine learning, and you will get the opportunity to interact directly with the experts.
SAP S/4HANA Utilities – Getting Value out of this Innovation Platform
After the transition and availability of the utilities-specific solution (IS-U) on SAP S/4HANA in November 2015, numerous innovations such as improved user interfaces (FIORI) or Machine Learning have been implemented on this platform. Several workshops and presentations focus on the topic of SAP S/4HANA Utilities. We offer a dedicated track with an SAP presentation and customer case studies from AGL, FARYS, Vattenfall and Fluvius. Read more
Get insights into the SAP Customer Experience Portfolio for Utilities
Customer experience is of a part our new SAP Cloud for Utilities Suite. There are numerous offerings at our conference, starting with a half-day workshop, a special Customer Experience track, kicked-off with a 30-minute presentation. There will also be short microforum sessions on various customer experience topics throughout the conference. Meet our experts to discuss your way forward with them personally.
SAP C/4HANA Service Cloud or SAP S/4HANA Customer Management?
Are you wondering what the best solution is for customer service in utilities? Robert Straubinger explains the difference between two solutions in his blog. Join one of the workshops at the IUC, including 2, 3 and 8 on April 1st, learn more in the multiple microforums or meet him personally to discuss your journey with him. Read the blog
Digital Strategy and Intelligent Enterprise for Energy
In these two tracks, the focus is on developing a digital strategy and transforming your company to an Intelligent Enterprise. Customers such as CLP, Industrielle Werke Basel, Equinor, Administración Nacional de Usinas y Trasmisiones Eléctricas, Vattenfall, present their strategy and its implementation, and SAP experts provide insights into self-service analytics and machine learning. Read the digital whitepaper and take a look at the Intelligent Enterprise for Utilities poster.
New SAP Solutions supporting Enterprise Asset Management in Utilities
To survive in the new energy era utilities companies need to adapt the maintenance strategies of their grids and power plants. Luckily many new technologies and solutions have become available in recent years to support utilities in this endeavor. During the event many workshops and presentations therefore look at Enterprise Asset Management from all angles. Read more
Partners at the Conference
Partner Pod Evora IT Solutions: Mobility & Digital Maintenance, Metering Services
Based on numerous implementation projects, Evora IT Solutions shares some insights on how utility organizations can utilize SAP’s digital portfolio to achieve high rates of efficiency while making life easier for everyone in the maintenance and service organization. Read more
30+ Microforum Sessions
The Hydrogen Economy
Hydrogen has become a major topic of conversation in the energy space. Interest in hydrogen focuses on its potential for the deep decarbonisation of energy systems. Unlike other fuels, when hydrogen is burned, there are no carbon emissions or any other pollution. The only by-products are water and heat. Listen to Gavin Mooney give a microforum presentation on this topic at the conference. Get a foretaste of this subject by reading his blog series. Read the three-part blog series.
Practical Advice from IDC on Improving the Customer Experience
Written by and for Utilities experts, we offer you three separate IDC execution reports: Service, Commerce, and Marketing that tell you all you need to know in order to plan, position, and succeed in your Customer Experience initiatives. In each report you will find use cases, a suggested three phase roadmap, likely KPI improvements, and how to successfully position your initiative within the company. At the event, we will have a microforum on this topic.
See a selection of SAP microforum sessions here. The microforum schedule will be announced soon.
Social Events
Business Women's Networking Luncheon
We are excited to announce that this lunch is being held for the sixth year in a row, where women in the wider energy community can meet one another, share their experiences, and extend their network. We are delighted to welcome Dayle Stevens from AGL to listen to her special experiences. Join us on April 2nd at 13:15. Read more
Please follow us also on SAPIndustries twitter channel using #SAPUtilities.
Stay tuned for new blogs and videos which I will add as soon as I will receive it.
You are welcome to post your questions in the comment field so that the whole community can benefit.