SAP for Utilities Blogs
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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Only 6 weeks to go for the 10th International SAP Conference for Utilities.

We already informed you about our:

  • 13 different workshops taking place on Monday, April 13. Each workshop provides you with a unique opportunity to address challenges, discuss them with your peers, and gain valuable guidance from some of the most knowledgeable experts on the applications from SAP. >> View workshop schedule
  • The agenda with outstanding keynotes from external and internal executives/thoughtleaders and 6 different breakout tracks are already live since January and you can start to build your conference agenda. >>Latest agenda

BUT one additional key attraction is missing, The Exhibition.

The center of a conference, the place to meet, to discuss and to get your questions answered in an individual conversation.

This huge area consists of:

  • Partner exhibition with more than 30 Utility partners presenting their solutions and services on offer >>Sponsor overview
  • Partner demo theaters to better understand the latest partner solutions in the market and how they can support your business
  • and of course a SAP Exhibition, devided in:
    • a welcome and meet the expert zone
    • New: 2 SAP microforums with 60 different sessions over two days about the latest SAP solutions and innovations to understand how you can optimize your business process >>See the complete schedule and more
    • After each of these sessions the experts will be available at SAP Pods and your questions can be answered
    • For the first time we will offer a speed networking area where you can, exchange experience and increase your network in just a few minutes
    • New: Join the 90 minute Design Thinking Workshop in our exhibition - free to attend!

For more information about the upcoming IUC and Utilities in general, follow me at @MelanieFiolka and join me on LindedIn.

I look forward to meeting you in The Exhibition! 🙂