Dear Utilities Community,
On Wednesday, May 13th, we covered all the aspects around energy and water data, their increasing importance in the industry, the resulting requirements towards new solutions and how SAP can address those needs. Moreover, we talked about customer case studies leveraging existing solutions as well as the latest innovations such as SAP Cloud for Energy and how co-innovation customers use this offering from SAP in it’s early phase. The interest for this topic was huge.
The audience consisting out of customers, prospects, partners and interested parties, obtained information about the SAP portfolio to handle the current but also upcoming requirements within this transition area.
The agenda was as follows:
- Increasing Importance of Metered Data Across all Markets and Enterprise Roles
- Overview of SAPs Capabilities to Handle Energy and Water Related Processes in On-Premise and Cloud Environments, Including System Demos and Roadmap of New Cloud-Based Solutions e.g. SAP Cloud for Energy
- Introduction and Overview of Current Co-innovation Project SAP Cloud for Energy at our customer FARYS in Belgium by Inge Opreel
A special thanks to our speakers Inge Opreel from FARYS, Kevin de Wilde (Capgemini), Con Ntalianis and Holger Schweinfurth from SAP.
Further resources:
Please watch the session on demand here.

When entering the platform, you can download the slide decks from the “Resource List”.
In the session, we announced “The Intelligent Enterprise Innovation and Experience Proposition for the Energy Utilities Industry”. Please send a note to if you want to have a copy.
The participants asked many great questions which should be also interesting for you. Here is our FAQ:
- The Predictive Analysis Scenarios which were shared right now are based on SAP HANA PAL or machine learning? It is using the SAP HANA Predictive Analysis Integrator to perform the analysis of the data?
It is using the SAP HANA Predictive Analysis Integrator to perform the analysis of the data
- Is there any new logic added with respect of read index when retailers store directly the consumption as read in a consumption register but still do custom validations based on start or end read index or start of end read dates received from distributors?
Part of the IDE functionality is to provide the retailer the ability to store the consumption against the register and and also store the index. The solution does not provide standard validations that looks at the two entries. It is possible to configure customer specific validations that can look at both tables to perform validations
- Can you elaborate on Machine learning code for implausible reads? Is it out of the box or developed in house? How do you define the inputs or categories for analysis?
It is an SAP development and we worked with customers on the topic. Details can be found here.
- Is configuration of absolute and relative meter reading thresholds still possible in customizing?
Yes, there is a configuration available; see also Docu for 1909 release.
- Are these standard FIORI apps for metering functions?
Yes, they are part of SAP S/4HANA Utilities.
- Release confidence feature for meter reading - are those implausible readings released by the system automatically or it is just generating a report based on the user actions?
They are being released automatically and you can define the individual threshold.
- Is this available for SAP IS-U on ECC?
EASIM is available in ECC - we want to create a customer connection so the mass transaction can be developed in the standard ECC - SAP Standard can take the solution so far - we want to provide BADIs to also allow customers the flexibility to add more capabilities
- EASIM does apply for Gas bill simulation?
Yes, it can be used for Gas - it can be used for all services.
FAQs SAP Cloud for Energy (C4E)
- How is Cloud for Energy different to Cloud for Utilities?
SAP Cloud for Energy contributes to SAP Cloud for Utilities. SAP Cloud for Energy is the solution to handle meter and meter readings. SAP Cloud for Energy havs a comparable scope what we have already in EDM and Meter Reading processing in IS-U. SAP Cloud for Energy can be used as a stand-alone solution, in combination with IS-U (e.g. for billing purposes)or together with SAP Cloud for Utilities.
- Can SAP Cloud for Energy replace other MDM system like Itron IEE, Energy IP etc. to store AMI interval data and deliver full functionality like MDM system?
SAP Cloud for Energy’s scope is Comparable to the scope of SAP Energy Data Management (part of IS-U). SAP Cloud for Energy connects to HES / Market Communication / Concentrators and receives the data for further processing. Partners also have the capability to extend Cloud for Energy for additional usage.
- How do you manage time of use with SAP Cloud for Energy (C4E) and SAP IS-U?
All-time series are stored in C4E and IS-U requests the billing determinants from the system and receives it for billing.
- By when will C4E solution be available in market to implement in other Utility companies?
SAP Cloud for Energy is available and ready to use. Besides the global availability of SAP Cloud for Energy - SAP is happy to collaborate with customers in the area of co-innovation to understand their requirements.
- Where can I find more details about SAP Cloud for Energy?
You can find more information on the SAP Help Portal.
Please feel free to add more questions in the comment field below.