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Profiles are data objects in SAP ISU which are used to store interval values.  The profiles could be used to store amount, demand, factor, price, quantity or miscellaneous entries.  The profiles can be stored at different intervals like 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min or daily values.  The profiles can store values coming from an external system or one from internal calculations.  One of the features of profiles is the ability to maintain versions of a profile for an interval.


To enable profile versioning, there are a few IMG configurations that need to be setup.  These can be found under in IMG under
SAP Utilities > Energy Data Management > Profile Management > Profile Versions

  1. Define Creation Reason for Profile Versions

    The first configuration to do is the definition of profile version creation reasons.  SAP ISU system is delivered with a set of standard reasons as shown below.  One should setup these reasons based on the business processes that would result in a profile version creation.

    Figure 1 Standard Profile Version Creation Reasons

    [Warning] DO NOT CHANGE these standard reasons provided by SAP.  SAP uses them internally.  If you try to delete these, SAP will give you a warning.  However you can proceed with the deletion after the warning message.  However once you delete them and save, you will not be able to create the entries back as these entries are protected by namespaces.  You can create entry only with ‘Y’ or ‘Z’.

  2. Define Creation Options of Profile Version

    The last configuration for enabling Profile Version is to define whether a profile version should be automatically created, should never be created or ask the user if a version needs to be created or not.  These settings are made for every Profile Type.  Hence the mandatory requirement before you can proceed with this configuration is to setup the required Profile Types.

    The profile types are maintained via the configuration path:
    SAP Utilities > Energy Data Management > Basic Settings > Profile Type > Define Profile Types

    Once the profile types are setup, proceed to setup the creation options for each profile type.  The creation options are provided by SAP and cannot be changed.  These options are very self-explanatory.  They are:

    a)      Never Create

    If this option is selected for a profile type, any update to the profile data will result in the existing data being overwritten by the new values.

    b)      Always Create

    This option will result in a profile version being automatically created every time existing profile values are changed or updated.

               c)       Query, Whenever Possible

    In this option, whenever the profile value is manually modified, a pop-up window will request for user response to determine if a profile version needs to be created or not.

    Figure 2 Popup asking for your decision

    Figure 3 Profile Version Creation Options (Std. SAP)

  3. Checking Profile Versions

    The profile versions can be checked via the Profile Value maintenance transaction EEDM06 & EEDM07.  And if no profile versions are available the message is displayed as below.

    Figure 4 Profile with no profile versions

    Once the profile versions are available, clicking the ‘Version’ button will open a pop up window with the existing versions for you to choose.  See below.

    Figure 5 Profile Version Chooser


Profile Version is a useful feature that can come in handly in many practical situations.

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