The following provices a short descrition of the updates for the Product Finder and Configurator (PFC) that were released with SAP CRM 7.0 EHP 3 SP05.
- PFC Main Title Bar
- The Product ID is now only visible in non-productive systems and only if the UI configuration mode is active for the current user (Personalize -> Settings -> Personalize Settings -> Configuration Mode -> Enable configuration mode)
- Buttons Cancel and Start Sales Process have moved from the configuration view to the main toolbar

PFC Shopping Basket / Top Products
- The shopping basket and the top products switched their tab positions, the shopping basket is now initially visible
- Top products now show the number of products found in the tab title
- Buttons are visible and active only if a product that could be sold in the corresponding document type (for example "Sales Order") is in the shopping basket
- Buttons for creation of documents have moved to the left, profile switcher to the right, "Clear Basket" changed to "Clear" with a corresponding icon

PFC Result Lists
- The Toolbar button status now only reflects the content of the current result list tab and ignores the current content of the shopping basket
- Only products shown on the result list tab are sold using a result list button.
- Buttons are visible only if a product that could be sold in the corresponding document type ("Sales Order") is part of the current result list.
- Buttons are active only if a product that could be sold in the corresponding document type is part of the current result list and has been selected (added to the shopping basket).
- exception / special handling: If the result list contains exactly one product, the corresponding buttons are active without the selection of the product
- Buttons for creation of documents have moved to the left, profile switcher to the right

Price Object
- Introduction of new price component types AMBG, AMUG, and AMPG
- New price components have been added to the BOL tree profiles for the PFC result lists and shopping basket

Navigation Bar entry Product Finder & Configurator
- The entry now offers three sub menu items "Sales Order", "Service Order", and "Service Contract".
- You can use the sup entries to navigate to the corresponding One Order document type.
- If no document has been created during the interaction, this is created here.
- No data loss popup for the documents, once they are created, the documents are reused with the interaction.
- the documents are automatically linked to the interaction record (navigation is possible using the interaction record clipboad).

Navigation Bar entry Billing
- The sub menu entry Billing Overview has been removed from the navigation bar with the active switch CRM_UT_BILL_CORR.