Dear Utilities Community,
join our 30-minutes Customer Panel Discussion with the elected customer chairs for the
ACCU - SAP Advisory Customer Council for Utilities on May 18, 2021 at the
International SAP Conference for Utilities (IUC).
Mark your calendar for >>
May 18, 2021 10:45am CET - 11:15am CET
Registration is already live!
We will discuss together with Mr. Andre Blumberg,
China Light and Power, Hong Kong, Mrs. Shachella James
Centerpoint Energy, USA and Mr. Des McColgan
Energy Supply Board, Ireland:
- What is the SAP Advisory Customer Council for Utilities - ACCU customer group?
- What are its activities, its participants and mission?
- Introduction of ACCU Chair and ACCU Co-Chairs, including their professional background and why they participate in the ACCU
Looking forward to meet you virtually.
Best Regards,