I attended this conference online the other week and it was a great experience. Usually the event is face to face in Europe, but this year it was online so I was able to attend.
First I attended a session on ACCU – SAP Advisory Customer Council for Utilities
Source: SAP
Source: SAP
Time, travel
Trial membership - background, organization, why join
1 year trial membership
Next I attended an innovations session, similar to a blog I wrote
Source: SAP
This shows capabilities
Source: SAP
This shows value drivers and benefits
Source: SAP
Journey to hybrid landscape
Embedded into S/4HANA with 1610 release
Published services on SAP API Business Hub
Source: SAP
I like this layout of the road map. In case you cannot see it you can go to roadmaps.sap.com
Planned is machine learning scenarios for FI-CA
Source: SAP
Planned for 2022 is Maintenance centric service in S/4HANA
Source: SAP
Some S/4HANA adoption numbers are shown above
Source: SAP
Summary of session is shown above
Then there was a road map session
Source: SAP
Overall SAP strategy
Intelligent suite, industry cloud
Industry specific solution
Source: SAP
This is a summary of the information shown above
Source: SAP
Not a product, but a program
Address utilities specific process
Not substitute on premise; complement in first step
Source: SAP
Where BTP fits in
Source: SAP
Consume S/4HANA in the cloud and consume with cloud components
Source: SAP
Source: SAP
How cloud for utilities fits in RISE
Source: SAP
Then I attended a round table for water utilities
Source: SAP
Source: SAP
Best practices from SAP
Embedded best practices are in SolMan
Will have industry cloud solution
Source: SAP
I attended the final session moderated by SAP's Tom Raftery
Source: SAP
All in all it was a great event; I hope the online component stays in the future so I can attend. Special thanks to Klaudia and Dee from T.A. Cook, the event producers.