EL31 is the transaction for monitoring the meter reading data. These reads are pulled from the table EABL and EABLG. Most of the times because of client requirements the table EABL is enhanced with custom fields. However, the custom fields so added will not be reflected in the transaction EL31 unless we do a small enhancement for that. This document talks about the steps for enhancing the EL31 view with the custom fields.
I) Enhance the structure EABLD_EL31.
Note: The above field is pulled from the EABL enhancement structure CI_EABL as shown below.
Also Note: In the same as above, the structures EANL_EL31, ERCH_EL31 and EVER_EL31 can be enhanced for the respective enhancements done in tables EANL, ERCH and EVER.
II) : Change the layout in EL31 to reflect the custom field in the ALV