2014 Dec 12 8:47 AM
I was setting dunning lock to some documents through document mass change transaction(FPE2M). There the system gives the possibility to put from - to validity date, I put it and saved. However when I check the validity of the locks in documents it is not the same with that which I placed but it takes the validity of the lock which was placed at the moment the lock is configured.
Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance.
2014 Dec 12 10:38 AM
Did you placed new dates by selecting documents for which new data should apply and clicking button Transfer New Values?
2014 Dec 12 10:38 AM
Did you placed new dates by selecting documents for which new data should apply and clicking button Transfer New Values?
2014 Dec 12 12:23 PM
Yes I did all the steps as in the print screen, but the result was as I explained above.
2014 Dec 12 12:51 PM
Maybe you should use command "Change" instead "Set"?
2014 Dec 16 9:01 AM
Probably you made mistake in order of actions.
Situation that you had occurs when lock reason is set, than button transfer new values pushed and after it dates changed. You should push button Transfer new values after all changes has been done and than save it.
In current situation maybe the best approach would be to delete that lock record and to create new one.
Please note if it's corrected.