2016 May 03 10:53 AM
Through this RFC /POSDW/UNPROC_SALES_QUERY_RFC you can communicate with SAP MIM and Inventory Management SAP FMS information on unprocessed sales, which are in the table / POSDW / TLOGUS SAP CAR where sales are recorded with satisfactory outcomes but which are not automatically uploaded to SAP FMS. How can I proceed to the activation of RFC so that this automatic link between the two systems working properly?
2016 May 11 2:06 AM
This RFC is not meant to be used to send unprocessed sales to FMS. It is intended to provide unprocessed sales before they are sent to FMS (ERP) using the usual means such as IDOCs WPUUMS or WPUBON. Once the unprocessed sales are sent to ERP using these IDOcs, the corresponding entries in table TLOGUS are deleted.