2019 Jul 03 5:36 PM
How would you create a different levels in the Merchandise Category using the Idoc CLSMAS and what fields are required in this Idoc along with their associated values?
Once you create all the levels how would you assign them to each other using CLFMAS and what fields are required in this Idoc along with their associated values?
An example of a Hierarchy and its assignment using these Idocs would be great!
2019 Jul 05 12:49 PM
Pleas see the answers in Merchandise category & hierarchy upload using LSMW???
Take note that the process to load Merchandise Categories and Hierarchy requires 4 IDocs, which must be processed in this sequence:
1 CHRMAS Distr. of Characteristics with Dependencies and Long Texts
2 CLSMAS Classes with Long Texts, Document Links, and E1UPSLINK
3 W_WGRP Distribution of material groups
4 CLFMAS Master object classification
A Retail Merchandise Category is both defined as a Class (Table KLAH, in step # 2) and a Merchandise Category (Table T023, and Step # 3). This is transparent when using Transaction WG21, but it explains why two steps are required for creating a Merchandise Category via IDoc.2019 Jul 05 12:49 PM
Pleas see the answers in Merchandise category & hierarchy upload using LSMW???
Take note that the process to load Merchandise Categories and Hierarchy requires 4 IDocs, which must be processed in this sequence:
1 CHRMAS Distr. of Characteristics with Dependencies and Long Texts
2 CLSMAS Classes with Long Texts, Document Links, and E1UPSLINK
3 W_WGRP Distribution of material groups
4 CLFMAS Master object classification
A Retail Merchandise Category is both defined as a Class (Table KLAH, in step # 2) and a Merchandise Category (Table T023, and Step # 3). This is transparent when using Transaction WG21, but it explains why two steps are required for creating a Merchandise Category via IDoc.