2010 Oct 10 5:59 AM
Hi Experts,
I used the BAPI /POSDW/BAPI_POSTR_CREATE to create some POS sales transactions. But i cannot see it in /POSDM/TLOGS table and in / POSDW/Mon0. Can you help me on that?
And could you assist me as to how to process these transactions to generate the IDocs that are sent t the IS Retail system?
Thanks in advance.
2010 Oct 11 6:24 AM
Hi Saranya,
Use Tcode /Posdw/Mon1 or Mon2 to check the overview and Errors in POS WB and then work on that.Alternately you can also check the logs using /posdw/logs.Also make sure you have given the correct authorisation/role for eg : /posdw/sales_audit or /posdw/administrator
Also for Idoc processing you can use Tcode /posdw/odis or /posdw/pdis - in case of POS data parrallel processing and tcode posdw/idis - for Idoc parallel processing - I assume you would have defined the Ports,Partner profiles,logical systems,RFC connections etc and also the POS Inbound profile and other prerequisites in ERP(under SD->POS Interface)
Hope it helps
Aram K.
2010 Oct 11 6:24 AM
Hi Saranya,
Use Tcode /Posdw/Mon1 or Mon2 to check the overview and Errors in POS WB and then work on that.Alternately you can also check the logs using /posdw/logs.Also make sure you have given the correct authorisation/role for eg : /posdw/sales_audit or /posdw/administrator
Also for Idoc processing you can use Tcode /posdw/odis or /posdw/pdis - in case of POS data parrallel processing and tcode posdw/idis - for Idoc parallel processing - I assume you would have defined the Ports,Partner profiles,logical systems,RFC connections etc and also the POS Inbound profile and other prerequisites in ERP(under SD->POS Interface)
Hope it helps
Aram K.
2016 Apr 29 8:10 AM