2009 Mar 10 1:49 AM
Hello IS-Retail experts!
In IS-Retail, unlike regular SAP ECC, the purchasing view of the article is essentially the Purchasing Info Record. We are finding this limiting this in some ways.
We would like provide defaults by article for purchasing relevant fields that would apply to all vendors. Example: Min/Max quantity, Rounding Profile, Conf Control Key etc.
Values for these fields need to be different for different articles, but same for all vendors for a particular article. These defaults are article specific, not vendor-article specific.
If someone can suggest a way we can accomplish this, that would be awesome.
2009 Mar 10 3:22 AM
Dear Anisha,
For Min/Max Qty --> you can maintain either in DC / Store views.
Rounding Profile can also be maintained in either in DC / Store views
Conf. Control --> You can maintain in Purchasing View or at Transactional (PO) level.
2009 Mar 10 5:09 AM
In addition to the above, Min/Max Qty and Rounding profile can be defaulted from Logistic DC/Store view of reference article. Conf. Control can be defaulted from Vendor Master to Vendor/Article level.
2009 Mar 10 1:58 PM
Hi !
Thanks for your responses, however, my problem is still unresolved.
1. I cannot find the fields for min/max quantity on the Logistics DC tab. Note that by using these fields we want to control the quantity on the PO.
2. There is a field for Rounding Profile on the Logistics DC tab, but it is not influence the PO quantity.
3. Add data to the vendor master does not help me since I need for these to be article specific defaults.
Please let me know if you/anyone have any other suggestions.
2009 Mar 10 7:18 PM
Rounding profile (RDPRF), Max Stock level (MABST) and Min SafetyStock (EISLO) are in Site level view (MARC table). You have to make them visible using transaction OMSR.
Confirmation Control is not available at Article level; it makes more sense to have it at Vendor level or Vendor/article level.
2009 Mar 10 11:05 PM
Hi Venu,
I know that Rounding Profile is in MARC, but that rounding profile does not influence the quantity on the PO. I want to round off the PO quantity. The rounding profile in MARC seems to be for some other purpose.
The Min and Max fields that you are talking about are different from the ones I am referring to. I am talking about the ones on the Purchasing view: EINE-MINBM, and EINE-BSTMA.
Maybe there is no way to accomplish what I am trying to do